Messenger and Examiner from Owensboro, Kentucky (2024)

liiTEST HEWS IN BRIEF. NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES, THE GREAT FREE TOR ALL. The passage of the bill to prohibit further Chinese immigration to this wmii mm SHERIFFS SALE FOR TAXES. City and County Directory. (rtimoiii' l.naillnK.

What all the World it Doing, 0 leaned From Many SonroM- How the Delegates Prom the Various country has either had a most salutary effect upon those already here, or hey litisiness is becoming staimant. Our EniTOKS. distillery has shut down, and many of C. W. Rranskord, Ukey Woohson, have been grossly misrepresented by Counties in the State Stand so Far as Instructed.

CITY GOVERNMENT, mow employed nave gone elsewhere to Wordcn Ridgcway; Worden Ridgeway, tract of land, to R. M. J. Fitts John C. Brown, the prince of humorists, paid us a flying visit last Sunday J.

W. -Hickman, of Louisville, was visiting relatives here last week Some H-rson or jhtsous made a raid tin Mr. Lloyd's store one night last week and purloined one box of cigars, HM-ket-knife, handkerchief ami some crackers to cat. The cigars were found hid under the bridge near Martin's drugstore. Amiccs.

speakers in Congress. During the agi seek emu ovment. T. G. Kucker.

tation of the Chinese question noth has retired to his quiet country home WEDNESDAY, MAY 0, 1883. THE 8ITDATI0N VERY MUCH MIXED. ing too mean could be said alout these people, and those ignorant of the facts evidently reached the conclusion that DEMOCRATIC TICKET. Below we apx-nd a tabulated state Fnrrl.ii. A dispatch from Colonel Hicks, dated at Cairo, says that on the tilt, he had an engagement with rive thousand rebels.

The battle resulted in the defeat of the relicls, with live hundred killed, including the Lieutenant Jen-eral of El Mahdi, the False Prophet. The Egyptian loss is slight. Nevin who was arrested In Dublin for connection with the alleged con ment showing the standing of the del the coolies would make good rat con ociow thir river farmers are much behind with their work As'Thos. Church (colored) was returning from Owensboro recently with Mr. J.

Buckmaii's team, his saddle nag sickened and died 011 the road, a mile la-low Oakford, of Ixits The ball and festival given at Oakford, for the benefit of Father ('1 aim's church, was a CITY OFFICERS, Mnyor-Jumra K. Thnrp. City JiiflK" Jftxper H. Krn. Clly Attorney W.T.Owen.

Treasurer John WanrlllliK. Clerlc-Phll K. nlnnf. Auditor J. W.

Oilman. AwMrir-Wm Poltiniter. Tx Col lector Krnnk J.t'lHrke Physlclnn T. K. Lamping.

Marfthftl Jonh T. Urlfllth. WelKli-mantur W.T. Aull. Meavencr John hrohannt.

Wliarf-master H. Alnxnn'lcr. The Story Without an End. Again its great monetary valueseems almost monotonous. The 1-Wtb grand monthly Drawing of The liouisiana State Lottery at New Orleans, on April 10th, has this record: Ticket No.

62,887 drew the first grand prize of $75,000, of which Henry M. Kiesftiling, of No. 188 Dearborn st, Chicago, 111., and A. Gamier Tricot, Vermillion ville, held each one-fifth. Ticket No, won the second capital of $25,000 collected in one whole lump through the National Btnk of Troy, for M.

Connolly, of Troy, N. Yl Ticket No. 52,989 won the third capita. $10,000, and was sold in fifths one to Edwin T. Eisenberg, Jr, (collect! through The Central National II ink of Philadelphia), another to If.

H. Harper, of St. George's, Colleton S. an other to Wm. II.

Hampton, of Tracy Citv, Franklin another to R. F. Krugger, No 241 Fourth st Milwaukee, Wis. The two fourth capital prizes of 0,000 each were sold to holders of tickets No. 58,507 and 20,502 two- egates to the State convention as lo the For Representatives, JAS.

II. IiUDY, GEO. V. THU'lJiTT. sumers, but were no account for any other iiurnose.

It now appears that EQUAL EIGHTS IN SCHOOLS. I WILL ON Monday. May 21, 1883, AT tho Court-house door In Owenslsirn, at public auction, oiler for side the following lisis of real estate for taxes for he year ISH2: CITY. NAME. VAI.l'K.

TAX. 1 lot Main street 7un 45 Adams, i It I it Waliiutslrci-l IMiH 11 05 Brown, Mrs Virginia 2 lots on lo- cust and Walnut 1700 111 10 Bovd, linker 5 acres and 1 lot on First stn-el 1200 IS Cnsik, Kd I lot Main slreet son It Carter, Mrs Lucy 1 lot Crittenden il 11 (.1 I lot liociistst find 32 DelK), 1 lot Sixth st 4l 6 SO It I lot Hull's 2uu 3 13 Fields, Lnrklll. 1 lot 2(KI 13 Ml 1 lot Hall's 4 10 Funk, Mrs MAI lot on Hon lo 00 Gordon, Ira A I lot Breckeliridge 3 id 470 Glenn, Mrs Kale 1 lot Third. 700 4f, candidates for Governors, so far as reported those here are making live citizens, and, while the cheapness of their laUir is throttling other enterprises in prox FOH GOVERNOR. The Fourteenth Amendment Enforced in Kentucky.

spiracies to murder, has already turned informer. He has acted promptly; Insiwctor of We.iKlihi and Meannreit M. but at this rate informers win he a Wlmlen. CITY COUNCIL. imity to them, their success goes to show that they are not altogether des t- drug in the market.

It is said that First Ward J. L. HlK'lon, A. Eger, J. I.

the Government could have bad more cor nt i eh. The Thorn peon-Pa vis tragedy at was a nine days' sensa-tion, and Kentucky has resumed the discussion of politics. The withdrawal card of Col. E. Polk Johnson Is a spicy piece of liturature.

He has been shamefully treated by the political tricksters of IiOuisville, aud titute of business qualifications. Con oftheminthe I'hu-nix Park trials if A United States Judge Lays Down the Law to Soma School Trustees. cerning the advancement they are it had wished, but only cared for such Hecoiiil Waril A. C. ToiimkhiK, J.

II. Taylor, T. J. MuiiHreh. Meet ut City Hall Monday evening of each week.

CITY POLICE. .1. K. Tlmrp, Chief. as could tell something new.

For making on the Pacific coast, the St wroscurih, Mrs 1 acre land and 2150 23 Vi Ixuiis Republican says: Paducali cor. St. Louis this reason Joseph Hanlon, who made a confession iu prison implicating his lol on Main street Oriltlth, DM, ex'r 11 (irillith Adair It seems that notwithstanding the grand success. Thirty dollars was raised. Nicki.kby.

l'iiiii. The farmers are planting corn and preparing land for tobacco. The canvassed plant-beds have brought on the plants much earlier than those beds having 110 can vans on them. The consequence is that most of our farmers have plants nearly large enough to set out. The P.uiley tobacco will not be planted iu this section except by a few fanners We have had a great deal of sickness in the last five weeks, but it seems now to lie sulisiding Mr.

Wallace Aliel, recently removed from Hanco*ck county to this community, and who has been long a sufferer of chest disease, was operated tiisiu last week by Dr. Harris, who drew from the left Allen day; Frank First Wiinl J. K. Ilioi.ll.-v Ilelll, IIIHI It. K.

ItcVllolllH. Illl'lll The recent decision of United States Circuit Judge John W. Hair, upon the he pays his respects to them in sharp vigorous and complicated anti-Chinese comrades, is, neverthe ess, to lni tried, aud what he said is to be used against him. It is even reported that Carey Itiillard liurreu. legislation in California, and the nw day.

I. K. words. Hcitinil Wiinl A. T.

Cunlwell UhkIi mill H. Crook. nlKht. Owensboro, school cases is a mat .11 treaty forbidding the immigration of 1 Bmli ter of no small iniiort, it being the first may lie hanged, after all, for olleuces CITY COt'HT. Chinese latiorers to this country, the If the city council would pass an ltell not connected wan the Jnviucihles: liMne instance where a municipality, as the creature of the State, has been brought Mongolians manage to prosper on the ordinance exempting every manufac J.

IS. Knrn, JiiiIkp; W. T. Owen, oity attorney. o'clock every moniliiK, except Sunday.

Civil term held t.h first M.111- yet still the rush for turning informer llmirbon acinc coast iK-yond an other races. fifths were sold to James R. Day, Malta Bend, Saline and to parties in Fort Wayne.lnd. New Haven, Conn. For further information apply to M.

A. Dauphin, New Orleans, before the nextdrawing on June 12th, when the grand capital prize will be $150,000. Scarcely have we begun to discuss the dude, before we are called iion to say something of the female of the species the dudiiie. The New York Journal says that in all essential points under the provisions of the fourteenth Itoyd 1412 acres SDMI Same, 1) Ac acres land Same and Sweeney, iiO acres ilmio Humphrey, It 11 1 lot Triplet! Horner, Al 1 lol 011 l-wls turn Ha.vdcu.O 1 lol li A add iiO Hickman, 11 furW A Hickman 43 acres land illKK) Little, and Slack for Marshall and Tay lor 2-iM acres Lynch, 1 lot on clay Murpliv, heirs 30 acres Mi-ridlili, II 1 lot ou Walnut I'-'no Nail, Frank 27 acres I100 Owen, ag't ThosCoglaud do censed 117 acres Mm Rudil, Cng.t A ll'i'avlor 21 acres Kmi continues. u-? 111 earn uiouin.

tory hereafter established in Owens-boro from taxation for five years, its lioyln amendment to the national constitu Hriw-ken The increase of meat and live cattle H7 2(i 17 Oil 1 IK 25 4 10 10 00 3 70 :2 no 60 10 ti I III 13 so 17 00 0 52 if lo 52 5 111 52 4 10 32 tion. A review of the case involves Hrealliitt Krerklnriuiie. lhey have secured control of several manufactures and trades, and no effort can avail to overthrow the nionojxily. It is said the pork trade is entirely in their hands, aud every pound of fresh exiMirtation from this country to Eng action would be heartily commended retrospect at the common school sys land is illustrated by the statement of by a large majority of citizens. Ow teni of this State.

nun ut lllltler side of his chest two gallons of amber- the Iiondon Truth that during one From the money distributed to the ensloro must offer some inducement hog meat eaten hi San Francisco pays week of April seven steamers arrived colored water, with marked relief to the sufferer. Clement. ii I.I well Calloway ('ampln-ll States from the national treasury, un to capital to secure its investment here, tribute to a Chinaman. hen they in Liverpool from America with ear- der the act approved June 1HM, the this animal is the exact counterpart of goes of fresh meat, consisting of compete tor a trade they not only se State of Kentucky received about Mr. G.

W. Gates has retired from MHO 100 Si 1(1 3b00 sower, red 1 lol on Daviess Steel, Sarah 1 lot In Hall's add Washburn, li I lol on Main Walp, Martha I lol 7t A Center. Welch, John I lol on Mildred Wisilfolk, 1 lot ou Frcdcrlca cure it, but monopolize it. They enjoy quarters of lieef aud carcasses of 500,000, and in IKiH set apart as 1'lenNHnt 1(1 dice. Mr.

V. C. Atherton and family, of Mcliean, have been the guests of Mr. the editor's chair of the Calhoon Pro a monopoly of the clothes-washing In mutton, while seven other vessels a permanent school fund. 1 his was in COUNTY GOVERNMENT.

COUNTY OFFICF.IIH. County Judge H. W. Scott. Circuit Clerk F.

F. onwav. ity Clerk Martin S. Mattingly. County Attorney Martin Yewell.

Master Commissioner Ueii, F. llaynes. SherlfT-A. li. Miller.

Jailer I. Lucas. Assessor Gideon A I Itood. Surveyor K. Kd wards.

Coroner ti. M. Havden. School Commissioner M. st Irnuin.

Senator Daviess ami Mclean counties J. A. Munday. Representatives Darless County James II. Rudy and (ieo.V.

Triplett. tier mate type, except that, with a woman's subtlety, she has gone a degree deejicr in vacuousncss. It must, however, lie acknowledged that the dudine has a more rational basis of existence than the dude. She is a living protest Carroll Carter Casey Christian Clark Clav Clinton Crittenden dustry. aud noue can compete with brought to the same jMtrt 2,600 cattle creased from lapses in payments of in gress, and is succeeded by Mr.

Louis L. and 2,315 sheep. Possibly some of O. P. Skillman Mrs.

1). E. Veiser.of terest, for which new iionds were given, them. They monopolize the business of making cigars, and in spite of their Allen, quite a youth, but full of vim those fourteen vessels were from South until ail was refunded 111 one consoli Red Hill, was in town recently, shopping Mr. Mercer Johnson, who is and energy.

AVe predict that he will America and Canada, but doubtless dated bond of the Commonwealth, bear against the over intellectuality of most of them came from the United make the Progress a newsy paper. Mr. laviess Kdnionsoii ing six per cent, interest, January 1. sojourning iu Hartford, was nt home Sunday Miss Mahala Davis of )w. States.

In the days when cotton repeated pledges not to smoke Chinese made cigars, the San Francisco smokers smoke nothing else, except the few imported brands. They are now gradually securing control of the man Elliott 1S70, and amounting to $1,327,000. lie- Allen will doubtless enjoy the distinc king, the American civil wur produced sides this the State board of edecatiou ensboro, was visiting Miss Ollie May Estill Fayette tion of theyouugest editor in Kentucky, held shares of the capital stock of great distress iu Lancashire, but Eng-now depends largely 011 America not ast, weca iur. isurch 15ell is quite low with cancer of the face Mr. B.

the Bank of Kentucky, yielding 8 per Fleming Kloyd Franklin Ktilton The Richmond (Va.) State says of only tor cotton, tint for toon. cent, dividends, and amounting to i.i, H. Davis, of Owensboro, was in town this week Messrs L. Johnson, and Mauone: "There is no doubt but that 500, making a total permanent State ufacture of boots and shoes, brooms and underwear; indeed, it is asserted that one-half the manufacturing business in the city is performed by the hated Mongolians who, the Sand-lot Kearney said, must go, but who ever went. The Chinese population of Cal W.

T. Hunter, and Misses Fannie John the small boss is disintegrating at school fund of Ikmilrntlc. Uallutin Garrard Grant. Graves Grayson Or -en The entire proceeds of this fund from American women, and exactly represents, in terra cotta colors, the beautiful vegetation which a great many men fall iu love with. She clings, weeps, sighs and giggles.

She is trussed, harnessed, pinioned, pinched, laced and compressed. She has reduced the proli-lem of existence to a flirtation behind a fan. She walks with the aid of a chiropodist. She eats with the aid of pciisin and hot water. She sleeps with bromide of potassium.

She exercises iu an elevator. She plays Camille in her dreams, and eats caramels and roads Zola when she is awake. She is a Hurt of how of promise in the social sky that the continent will not lie Ex-Senator Thurnian is able to be upon the street again, but his arm is son and Sue Yeiser paid Hartford a flying visit Sunday Miss Saltie Johnson is visiting Mrs. W. O.

Atherton the time it was first set apart for the 3 not near well. puriMise together with an annual tax ifornia is not increasing, of course, as more rapid rate than ever did political mountebank or charlatan before." When the work of disintegration is accomplished, for the honor of the Old Dominion, let the parts be scattered to near Livermore I. L. Johnson agent levy of 5 cents tin each $100 prior to lWill Greenup 8 Itardtll i 8 The steamer Braunschweig, from the new treaty forbids them to come, ror me rorrest INursery, hair View, and subsequently 20 cents, determined Bremen, landed 1,179 immigrants at but those already there are thriving in Harlan left for Indiana Monday Our PKKCINCT NO. 1.

Bosley, Alice 34 nercs Hsi) iioslcy.siim A liro 1 lot hli and Ann streets I.yfl 17 00 It.iul ware, Clarence for llarla-r belrs.tH acres 7 20 II I acre land and 1 mjii Kills, (i fr Newton heirs 40 acres lino 11 (i-i Glpsur, Martiirct 1 lot in Dublin mt 2 00 (ireenwell, Sarah acre, Dublin loo 2 i Gales, Thus acre in Dublin 3 13 Harrel, li'i acres land and 7J a Ihiydeii, Ih-ttle 40 acres 4 III Hoskius, Kll.iils lh I lot Dublin tin A 2(1 Howlei, Kllen II acn a 4ii 20 Hill Hill It ncie ftcdO A2 2A Iewls, 1 lot 0 4 10 Lancaster, (ico 112 acres 20 22 22 Same for Lne Mull lngly 4 I limey, elms acre laud and poll 210 11 Viinover, Henry acrea and poll. a0 4 75 PIIF.CINIT NO. 2. Aldrldgc, St'l lot and poll 11 .1 75 Ayers, John 1 lot and poll I'm 6 7ft Brown, Mrs Prlscllla tin acres 3dO 4 111 Donation, John, guardian 'thus DoiiohH 1 lot in Dublin 7i 1 HO Same dn Roger 1 lot In Dublin SO 1 fi.1 Davis, Mary 07 acres 41m 211 Hess, John 1 lot and poll 3110 7 Uo Long, Jas for Howurd heirs 3 shares 1 11 80 acres MS 7 00 Murrav, A 22 acres 2ie0 22 20 Murphy, Mary 1 lot I.Hl 2 70 McDowell, Henry i acre and poll Moo 7 H-l Mattingly, A 1 lot and poll 300 7 3i PRECINCT NO. Duncan, lielra acres 300 4 10 Hill, It I lot Y'iv't and poll 2uo 0 30 Kel ley, Miss Puss 21 acres 170 2 s.i Kellcy.MIss Mary 21 acres 170 2 8 PRECINCT NO.

4. by a vote of the people was applied to the maintenance of schools for white Baltimore Thursday. spite of the opposition to them, and Harrison Hart 1 the four winds. young roiKs are still marrying. Mr.

WillTragden and Miss Sal lie Richard will probably remain forever a part of JNew Orleans has been selected as children exclusively. The school law Henderson 11 the place for the World's Industrial me population. COURTS. CIBOIIIT COt'KT. L.

Little, judge; Joseph Noe, Commonwealth attorney. cam third Monday In Jan-nary, first Mondnv in March, third Monday In July and ftist Monday in September. The January and July terms are criminal courts. COUNTY COtTKT H. W.Bcott, Judge; Martin Yewell, count attornay.

Quarterly court commences first Monday in l-cbruary. May, August and No. vembcr; County court the third In each month; Court of claims the third Monday in October. MAGISTRATES' COURTS. Held in March, June, September and Decern-ber.

District No. 1 TOwerTown J. H. Hodg. kins, 1st Saturday; K.

G. Adams, 3rd Wed. nesday. District No. 2 Upper Town J.

M. Yewell, rd Saturday; H. K.Jett, 1st Thursday. District No. Yelvington W.

s. Robinson, 4tk Monday; L. V. Pierce, 2d Tuesday. District No.4 KnottHvHIo rC.

Anderson, 2nd Monday; II. T. Aud, 3rd Tuesday. District No. 5 Boston II.

A. Burton, 4th Monday; C. Watklns, 3rd Friday. District No. Murray H.

L. Reynolds, -d Tuesday; Eugene O'Flynn, 4th Friday. 6 Henry son were united in the holy bonds of of l.l4, which provided for the educa Oi'ixioN seems to be pretty well di Hti-kmiin We do not wish to be understood as tion of the tavored class only, remain and Cotton Centennial Exposition. New York offered $500,000, but New Hopkins matrimony on the 20th at 2 o'clock Itev. Joe.

A. Bennett performed the in auy sense favoring the abolition of ed in undisturbed operation, uotwith Orleans was recognized as the commer vided regarding the success of the Cincinnati Dramatic Festival. Many regard it a prouounced success ceremony in the most pleasing and ap standing the adoption of the fourteenth Jaekson Jefferson Jessamine Johnson the new treaty. On the contrary, we 1 THE MARKETS. amendment in IbbX.

cial center of the cotton States, and ii proved style Sickness is sulisiding in this section W. F. King sold to W. think it decidedly the best method lor In the year 187-1 the Legislature pass- was on that ground chosen. .....22 a 1 while others say it is not what they ex V.

Atherton two three year old steers ed a law providing for the education of disposing of the Chinese question that Uwrnnlniro Retail Market Secretary Chamberlain, of the Ohio Kentou Knox I-arne Laurel Ijawrenc-e peeted by a great deal. Success or not, for 100 W. May sold to Thos. Yei colored children, and enacted a system could have leen adopted. We repro Boitrd of Agriculture, says that fully ser a four year old horse 15 The Feathers Prime goose Mixed and old Hides Pry flint.

No. 1 Cincinnati's effort was highly com half of the wheat in the northern pan duce the above paragraph simply to peach aud apple crop at present give mendable, aud she deserved the rich of the State is being plowed under. show the outcome there is in this much- promise of a large crop. Wheat looks harvest she reaped from it. of taxation upon persons of that color for such a purpose, including also a poll lax.

These discriminating taxes were collected during the years following that time. The act provided that the colored schools must be entirely main Testimony in the Tewksbury Alms- abused race. well. Some comp aint almut inject jry naneo tireen Oreen Tieer skins Hheen Kkina Iiee 1-slle I.eteher I-wis Lincoln IVim bouse investigation isstill being taken. destroying the tohacco but not to a large extent.

Corn tilaiitimr has It mcst not be thought because the It was discovered Thursday that the The Louisville Post publishes the superintendent had never given bond. Messenger is so earnest in its advocacy uegun in earnest, it the weather con Poultry Hens turkeys Chickens Wool Tub washed tained from the proceeds of taxation i.yon following alleged special dispatch from District No. 7 Curdsvi I le .1. F. Wan ford, 4th Tuesday; R.

M. Hodman, 4th Thursday. District No. 8 Vanovers George L. rd Thursday; Kd.

Goodwin, 2nd Thursday. District No. Oakford L. P. Hlrk 1st Mn.

imues lavoranie the hulk of the com of manufactories that Owensboro is al lifHin the property and iersoiis of that Miss Alice Margurite King has Gllletn, John 40 acres and poll 210 (I'M Cincinnati: Comblnic and clotlilntr MaKotlin Marion crop will he planted by the middle of brought suit for damages in the sum together destitute of these enterprises. class, and 110 other. 1 he sums realized were so small as to amount to but little Cincinnati's new iwuier. the News. this month or hefore.

tMiirsluill Tallow Halt Tea, per lb SuKar, N. Brown against the Nashville American for crit icising some of her dramatic Unci.e Biu.y. towards carrying out the ostensible pur- day; N. M. Newman, 4th Saturday.

District No. 10-MaaonvllIe-B. T.Dawson, 2nd Saturday; J.C. Miller, 1st Friday. after floundering about iu a vague and disasterous manner, has amalgamated The fact is that Owensboro has more manufactories in proportion to popula Mason pos, of the law to provide a system of reading.

Korisliotown. 4.5 2i Of li III (4 11 8 (it 7 .10 30 50 (t 7A 6 10 2 no (H 2 2j 24 (4 2A is?" tn fit I (Mi (4 10 10 11 11 12 uo (n 0 75 fx I fit 14 (4 15 30 70 1 sr. 1 7i 2o 1(1 12'4 Ki-lO 1,1 11 11 fit ll tion than any town iu the Stake. Still Mclxutn with the Journal, which was almost as pitiable a failure as the Xews. The im District No.

1 1 sorghotown Ben Stout 2nd Wednesday: James M. Patterson. 3rd Mon Choice A Oranulated Powdered Out of fifty-six deaths in Salt Lake Mead Our town still progresses. Three she ought to have twice or three times day. City in April, twenty-six were children.

Menifee education lor the OK COIlHKIl CITIZENS. In the spring of 1SS1 some colored men, acting under the advice of Hon. stores, two blacksmith shops, one ho Pyrups Mereer as many as she has. A town with such pression among newspaper men here is that those who furnished the money for the purchase of the Journal are lei, two hars aud no church. Some molasses, per teal The latter is attributed to the peculiar Mormon administration termed I ly noiner, jiarrisou 1 acre anu miii ,1, aim Ijcnhuuin, loula 1 lot and llo 5 2i Morris, l.l'i acres and poll 111.1 13 7S Smith, Mrs Fannie 1 lot 37.) ami PRECINCT NO.

Brlstow. Mrs Nancy 73 acres wn) Evans, acres and poll 4110 Goldsmith, 1 lot In whiles. vllle and sill 20 1 II 30 Jackson, Bettle I acre iu 2VI 3 Karns, de-d 4'i acres and poll SI 15 Lltscy, 1 lot Whltcsviilu, poll 3111 7 40 Lilsey.O I lot Whltesvlllc 7 40 l'urcell, Geo I. ug't Sut. Pureell 23 acres Urn 75 Pryor, 1) A 1 lot Whites illc.poll loo 6 2i PRECINCT NO.

B. Mary 3 acres M) lot Hedges. 1 lot I A-wis Sta. noi I ail ILi Metcalfe Monroe. Horghuiii pagan writer says that iu a new town CHURCHES.

St. Joseph's church Fourth and Clnv at ing on of hands. advantages of position as Owensboro enjoys, if located in Ohio, would have either lunatics, so far as newspaper the nrst evidence of progression is the E. W. Itagby, of Paducah, refused to pay this poll tax, and their wages Ijaru, Vinegar, per k1 Pried Peaches Morgan The editor of the Chicago Staats management is concerned, or the price.

opening of a bar-room, then comes a church. Probably Sorgho will be able First mass at 8 a. m. Second masa and sermon al 10a. m.

Vespers and benediction at were garnished by the county court. tllo.OiMi, is grossly exaggerated. The Potatoes Zeituug is in favor of retaliating for the MillilentierK Nelson p. m. Hev.

P. J. Hanseley, pastor. Journal was steadily losing money, and Sweet Potatoes Onions Upon motion of their attorney the case was removed to the United States cir soon to iHia-t of a church, since we German embargo on American Krk by stopping the importation of all Ohio Oldham tue onice was not worm The liave got wo u-s We have one of Butter cuit court, and elaborately argued by boasted Associated Press franchise. F'irst Baptist Third and I-wls streets.

Morning and evening; prayer meeting Wednesday night; Sunday school at in. Kev.J. Solomon. Services everv Oablmge goods from the largest and tiest schools Soruho has Owen though ot some value beyoud the week beeu ever ble-ttd with. Miss Silhe r.aits Hams Tanner, lore 11 Tanner rs Sabbath.

Gov. Cleveland has signed the bill retiealing what have been called "The loo acres B-igby. In bis argument the flagrant violationsot 1 he fourteenth amendment by the school laws of the State were presented. Shoulders Jewell is the teacher, and she has loon ly cost ot the dispatches that come through it, is not worth a tenth of the Vaharsdcl. Mrs errllda 1 lot MiddhiiKs 300 gained a most enviable reputation Walnut Street Baptist Corner Walnut and Fifth streets.

Itev. J. S. Coleman. l'nstr lVrry Pike Powell Pulaski SundayBluc L-iws which proved so Breakfast ll.ieou 13 amount the News paid for it.

It is among the people here as a competent obnoxious to a large class of citizens At the A tiril term of the United States pretty conclusive that a paper that fails Services every 2nd and 4th Sabbath morning and evening. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Sabbath school at o'clock aim nnieiaiigaoie teacher. She has also gained the well merited confidence without the dispatches will fail with Rockcastle. lurlnnall Wholesale Market.

Cincinnati. Mu 5, ls3. Wheat Is irregular and unsettled: No. 2 red Kowan tuem. uniy experienced newspaper ind esteem of her fortv-eiirht nuiiils.

circuit court for IKSz, Judge 1 ixter rendered a decision on the question, declaring the colored school law unconstitutional, and absolving the defend in rscw ork and Brooklyn. Advices from different part of Texas report great activity among the stock men, and a great nuniU'r of cattle are 11 111 4 10 4 10 2 IKI 5 2ft 3 13 2 01 2 1 HA 5 Hit 4 IU 7 3S Russell men Know what folly it is for ambi Wlnterat SI 12rtll llfornot. Corn Is firm at. I'he trustees could not do better than S-ott Vanarsdcl, Mrs Untile for children 1 lot on Fifth street PRKCIMT NO. 7.

Ash by, Marshall and others I aero Brooks, Thos 1 lot Cniblree, KIlznlN-tli Xi acres Clark, Sam 1 lol InCurdsvihe Dante, John 30 acres land Denton, Jarcd 1 lot Curdsvllle Laccn, II lot Curdsvllle, 1 poll. Littler, Ann I lot Curdsvllle Ioiiisla's heirs (10 acres Musgrove, Nathan 1 lot in Curds, vllle and poll i tious sap-heads to undertake the estab- induce Miss Jewell to take charge of (vie for spot. Mix are firm at live is Strom-nicl IiIl'Iiit at (fie. liarlev is striinir: ants from all liability to the payment already on the trail for the north. It is iisnmeut or a successiui newspaper in the school next session Mr.

Win loo loo 2oo lad I. HI nO 1.0 tm 2.10 Shelby Simpson Tay lor- extra No. fall at 70c, Pork is dull and nom of a poll tax. II I. the teeth of the competition which is inal; held at 19 L'ird Is hiuher: steam hcck, 01 iiwcnsiMii'ii, nas been here estimated now that the "drive" will exceed that of last year.

1 he Legislature of the Slate being at lI.S.Vill Ihilk meats are liunvant: to be found everywhere; aud it" is no Todd painting the residences of Messrs. shoulders at clear rihs at liacon secret among those here who have paid lark anil Riudolph The fanners Trie; Trimble Major Wesson, an army Paymaster. then in session, and at that time considering a revision of the school laws, accepted the situwtion as presented by Isslrong and liiKhcr; shoulders at SJaC; clear rlli sides at W-e; clear si.Ies at Tie. any attention to the News, that what are all greatly hehiud in their work hasbecn robbed of his valise, containing Same for Thos Keath, 2 lots In it has lacked was not dispatches but the weather has tieen so backward in currency, while occupying a the court, and enacted the first general oraius. not much plowing has been done.

The I niou Warren Wasliintm Wav lie. Welister sleeper on ine rexes and I'acinc rail Clnrlnimll l.le Stork nitrkrt, Cincinnati, Mny Cattt.K Iteeelnts llirht. Common to fnlr I 45 11 Wj 17 (0 3 7.1 and equitable school law the State has ever had. tohacco plants are plentiful, and are The epithets in the above souud very road. He was on his way to pay the loosing exceedingly well.

There will much like they originated in the edi troops at Fort Bliss. 3.V10 2.10 I tm Upon the advice of Mr. Itagby, who tie uo lack of plants this year if all one Woodford shippers, fdv itood to choice, 5 7V(! So; UmmI to choice hulchers', $." extra, Si 40; fair to medium, lca5; common. 2 firood to choice cows, S.V1T1 itihmI a. m.

Cumberland Presbyterian St. Ann street, between Third and 4th. Rev. B. D.

co*ckrlll, pastor. Services every Sabliath morning ami evening; prayer meeting Wednesday night; Sunday school at 9 a. m. Lutheran seventh and Allen sts. Rev.

H. S. Det res, pastor. Services Sunday morning and night; Sunday school at 2 p. m.

First Presbyterian Third Between St. Ann and Allen. Rev. J. H.

Neshltt, pastor. Services Pahtmth morning and evening; prayer meeting Wednesday night; Sunday school al 11:30 a. ni. Fourth Street Presbyterian Fourth and Crittenden streets. Itev.

John C. Molloy, pus-tor. Services Sabliath morning and night; prayer meeting Wednesday night; Sunday school at a a. m. Methodist Episcopal Corner Fourth and Daviess.

Rev. H. R. Brewer, pastor. Services Sabliath morning and evening; praver meeting Wednesday night; Sunday school Ha.

in. Trinity Protestant Episcopal Church Fifth street, near Frederica. Itev. Geo. c.

Sutton, rector. Services Sunday II a. ni. and 3:30 p. m.

Wednesdays p. m. Sunday school at 3 p. m. St.

Stephen' Mullarry and Main atrerta. Rev. D. F. Crane, pastor.

First mass, during winter months, at a. during summer months at a. m. Second mass and sermon during winter months at a. m.

Vespers and benediction at 3:30 p. in services on festl- Curdsvllle Mitcbeson, 100 acres land for Farley Woodward, Christina 12'i Webb, II for. I Smith 1 lol. PRECINCT No. S.

Grant, John 11 acres and poll PREC1 NCT NO. 11. A mold, 8.10 acres lor Farley Haskins, 03 acres and poll Smith, A A 200 acn-s gies ell from this on. Wheat is look torial room of the Post. However that may be, the Post shows very poor taste 5 25 had been chosen city attorney, the Paducah common council made provision at the opening of the fall term Total The discovery has been made that postmasters of the fourth class those who receive $1,000 or less a year are ing remarkably promising The to choice heifers.

80 common to fairdry 75: tsood to choice, g.V't.i 75; stock- only thing that the eitizetis and far of schools in 182 for giving the same in publishing the above about Governor Underwood, who was formerly a part Those counties marked with an as mers want is the Henderson road uxav ers aim Teeners, o(li) lieavy feeders. S5 75f'i(i; liht yearlintrs and calves," SVni 25. facilities to the colored as to the white 21100 4so it 00 21 10 eieo irom wwensooro to Green river. terisk (thus have appointed unin- lloos KeeelDts liliera select hiitciiers' and children. The same thing was also luey initiK mat as that road runs owner of the Post, whether the criticisms be merited or not, and as for a structed delegates those marked with done iu Louisville.

These two places heavy sliipM-rs, 4ll fair to good packers, fair to cood Unlit, SH K.Vic7 25t through the best agricultural Portion A. B. MILLER, S. D. C.

W. t-TOl R. R. T. C.

1). C. alone iu the entire State made any ef a dagger (thus t) have conflicting lack of brains on the staff of the Cin common, 10ali 80; culls, STkitS; slock hoi's. So AliftiH 50. of the county, and is traveled by more b.

1: fort to put the enuitanle school law into people man any other road leading to hiiKKp Receipts Unlit common to fair cinnati paper, all who know Col. H. ojieratiou and give to the colored child wool sheen. S3 7.Va4 50: irissl to choice. S4 7.VA Owensboro, it behooves not only the According to the Courier-Journal's its protier share of the school funds, Clvdostlale Draiiirlit Stallion, Si 5 50; extra, So 75; fair to good clipped sheep, 75; culls.

S.i3 75. county omcers, nut the owensboro cap M. Doak, the editor in chief, who was for years the leading editor of Tennes arising from the permanent fund and fiTe times as many factories in it. Said a gentleman who stands in high official position in this community recently "Kentucky was formerly known abroad as the home of Henry Clay and John C. Breckinridge, Now she is known as the home of J.

Proctor Knott and John G. Carlisle. It will never do to retire either of them during their preseut period of usefulness." The unanimity with which several counties have instructed for Kuott, though he had never visited them, shows that this sentiment is reciprocated throughout the State. Jcdge Bark, of the United States Court, has just rendered a decision in Louisville in which he holds that operating "bucket shops" is a pernicious and demoralizing species of gambling. "It is true," says Judge Barr, "that this kind of gambling has not yet been made criminal by the statute law of the State, still if a case of wager is made out none of the State courts will enforce such contracts.

Gambling on the fluctuation of the market prices of stocks, grain, etc, is against the public policy of the State, though it may not be a crime punishable by fine or imprisonment" Ex-Sexator Indiana, who looks forward to the Democratic nomination for President with strong faith, has expressed himself in favor of Dorsheimer, of Xew York, for Vice President. He has not heard, perhaps, that our esteemed friend, Governor Crittenden, would nofrthrow the latter nomination over his shoulder. Dorsheimer will be remembered as the gentleman who managed Tilden's affairs in St. Louis in 1870, and afterwards quarreled with Uncle Sammy about the expense bill. St.

Louis Globe- Democrat. The Messenger has already expressed a preference for McDonald and Dorsheimer as the standard bearers of '84, and we are glad to learn that the two are congeninl. i It is all nonsense for our Southern Democratic brethren to threaten to bolt if Butler should be nominated. They would just tuck their napkins under their chins and imagine Butler prow was spring chicken, without an effort. ltahsts aud merchants to bestow Ixitli Lam lis (Sold at 7Sc for fair to eood.

and the proceeds of taxation. ery many calculations, of the uuiustructed delegates there are conceded to Knott: Adatr.o; Boyd, Caldwell.6; Franklin, some extra at Hriitc. a little thought and gravel on it. It see and the South, and Km met Logan, of the towns and cities were maintain would not only te a great convenience. managing editor, one of the brightest Floyd, 5: Pike.

5. and Warren. 6: to out a money-making investment-. Louisville Lite Nlork Market, Kr May 5, I3. Cattle No receipts or shipments.

The ing schools under special acts which placed their school system in control of the municipal authorities. Such places The dogwood bushes are in bloom, and newspaper men who ever left Kentucky, will appreciate the spleen in the vaiaaaon oilier days, unless otherwise announced. Adath Israel Rev. Dr. J.

GInock, rnhhl. Services every Friday evening at 7 o'clock, and Saturday morning at 9 o'clock, except on holidays. Christian Twia street, between 4th and me disciples of Isaac Walton are im entitled to. an increased salary from the first of March last, instead of from the first of Octolier. Farmers living near Lancaster reimrt that their clover fields are being devastated by a srecies of very small mice, who burrow beneath the roots.

Whole fields have beeu destroyed within the last week. The little "pests have appeared in armies. The managers of some of the railroads centering iu Indianapolis have given orders that no unnecessary business shall tie done on Sunday, and no excursion trains can lie run on that day. Employes who wish to observe the Sabbath can do so without imperiling their hold on their situations. In New York City good western lieef is seven cents a pound.

At Frankfort, in the midst of a cattle growing country, the average price is fifteen cents a pound. Keutucky sends ber best beef to the East, and sells her worst at home for a bigger price than the best brings in a distant market. continued the discriminating special tal, 32. To Jones: Mercer, Lewis, I from Boyd and 3 from Franklin; total, 17. Buckner: 3 from Franklin and market was steady.

The prospect are favorable, (iood to extra sliipix-rs at SB 2Sfn6 40; medium to cood do at SKnH 25; Kood toextra patiently waiting the falling of the paragraph quoted. We are not the -acts which virtually shut the colored water to line Green river with their champion of the Cincinnati Xews, but butchers' cattle at Iti fair to eood do wigwams. Our people have lieeu much from Warren; total, 8. Owsley: 1 itn. tin.

u. w. Terrtil, pastor. Services every children out of school; among them ttie city of Owensboro, where there are enrolled S00 white. aud 500 colored at $5 Aonrt); medium at Socio 50 com mon at 5U'ii 4: ioor cows and seal la waits at S2 2.v,r.-e surprised by the non-appearance this u' morning aim evening, ounrliiy we hail with pleasure its it certainly has had, the Post's dispatch Kood to extra feeders at S4 7'vti 25; eood to scnooi at a.

prayer meeting every Wed from Boyd. This will give as certain fbr Kuott on the first ballot, 21S; for spring of that famous piseatorean, Phil unuxy evening. to the contrary notwithstanding. Ev villain, lie can nml "soniedulg sauer" extra stocaers ai 70; lair to good do at 75fr4 25: common at S3 2fk(3 75; good to extra oxen at $5 50'iiii; fair to good do at SI 25a Some if the colored people of that Baptist (colored) Rev. M.

Harding, pastor Jones, 204; for Buckuer, 116, and for in Sorgho. Staxpa i.axe. tst-rviees mniiHui morning Aim arieruoon ery true Democrat is interested in the place learning of the success Hon. K. common do at S3 2Vri: good to extra prayer meeting Tuesday night; Sunday Owsley 66, Jacob remaining at 72.

The bulls at Ji.f4 50; common to fair do at S5rt Jtaghy met with 111 his previous establishment of a good Democratic livrriiiorc MIIUOl HV1U ClOCH, Third Street Methodist (colored! Itev, votes of Butler, with 3, aud McLean, nil. Hon 4 Heeeints. l.Vt head shipments. 214 paper in Cincinnati, the treacherous There was an election I fear the proceedings before the United States court, employed him to undertake their case. Accordingly a proceeding in with 4, are unaccounted for in this head.

The market Is dull and 10c lower. Thornily, pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 2 p.

in; Sunday school at o'clock Enquirer having proved, time and new school proposed has died already ood toextra packing and butchers' at S7 10 7 15: fair to medium at lie mHlinm speculation. again, that it cannot be relied upon in --v snow 111 town rsaturdav night, m. m. Center Street Baptist (colored) Folder tqti'ty was commenced, praying a writ it was well attended and well liked 1-resnieuinu campaign. It is idle to predict the result, with so Mernneld, pastor.

Services at 10::) a. m. and he race for marshal was "Xin and light at S(i 5wi, 75; common and rough at Si, 5i(fH 75; hit shoats at. 25; common to good stockers at S5 50rt. -SHKK1' No receipts or sliinments.

Mnrket. ot injunction to restrain the lard of trustees of the public schools of Owens- p. prayer meeting Wednesday night Sunday school 9 a. in. 99 ami juck, aim iuck got 11 one vote The eminent colored schoIar.Richard T.

Greener, LL. seriously doubts The Sun does not take a hopeful view horo from paving out an undue propor "BAY CHIEF. many candidates the field aud the vote so much scattered between them. Every man is his own prophet in this steady. Oood lo extra sheep sell 25: Methodist F'piscopat colored) Rev.

Posey A. Driskoll is 11 hickv fe'Iow. fair to good nt Jl aO.iS; common at 3 754 25. pnsior. rervices at court-nouse al 11 a.

til the wisdom of the National Conven tion of the public school funds coming into tht ir hands fur the support of the He was not 1 resent at 1 tit? saw-In: of the effort to harmonize "the grand old party" in Xew York. It says: 2 p. 111. and p. second Sunday in each tion of Colored Men, which it is promis meeting of the council V.

E. Lisli game. ed to tie Held in Washington in Sen. CoininissioiKTs Sale "The committee appointed bv the Re brook and family spent a few days last SCHOOLS FPU WHITE CIUhUKEX. The exhibits iu the case showed that The following is a recapitulation of tember.

He says: "If the negro could publican Central Committee to reor month; prayer meeting weduesday night. SOCIETIES. MASONIC. the vote received by candidates for the wci-K visiting trienils in and near Ma Advice to the new council the property of white citizens in that -OF Will make 1 tie KeiiMin at my larm nbova DueiiNlKiro, 011 tlie HarilliiKlHUg riiuil, ut t-l and insurance, or S1.5 for the IIAY OIIUOI'' Ih rich bright buy, front lrK blank, with whit. Hto-kliii-i on hind 1-kh: nt.irimti blnze in foreliend, peculiar lo Ihe I 'jydeilalev.

lie is now nut 4 yemn old, Man, lx Kr'j liniidx, welKlm IiIiki poundN, In rouipHctly built, xhort back, bone, ixiweiful KlionlilerH. tine ne. get rid of his black leaders and his white philanthropists by profession, he ganize and harmonize the party iu this city find themselves wrestliug with a otlipr offices: cily assessed for taxation was avoid saw-logs, and now tackle the might develop into a useful citizen." fis, yielding a cchool tax of l(i. FOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR. Jo.

1 avis Chapter No. 32 meets the 1st Mon salt barrels Prof. Jos. D. Pickett, troublesome task, in most of the As Valuable City Property.

and by a provision of thespecial act also aay in every moutn al Masonic Hall. i-supi. t'utiiic lust ruction, was in town sembly districts the political machine m. H. Vanderbilt has sailed for Hinrtman v- Truing 78 Allen 71 Smith 7:0 Owensboro Commnnderv meeta in Mnannln a per capita tax of $2,521.

The assessed last week Tom Moorman is here is now in the hands of the Stalwarts. nan on tue aru Monday iu every month. Kurope. The annual meetings of the Xew York Central and he Lake Shore Grirlith an P. PJuhuson 12 K.

P. Johnson 8 I.nOVxm 7 value of the property of the colored 1 Livermore's Pre-identia! ticket: and they object to running the risk of tloriHlid nerve, with Kpleiidld walk. Whs foaWd in the Hpi inn of lsTii. Hlr-d bv Mar. In ttie District Coart of the United States for Owensboro Lodge No.

1.KJ meeta in Masonic people was shown to be on I change, the managers in the few Hen JJutler and Dave Tucker Mi the District of Kentucky. Cantrill 2 Uuiustructed 313 FOR SUPT. PCRLIC INSTRUCTION. nan on tue 2nd Monday In every mouth. and the Michigan Central Companies were held Friday, from all of which Half Breed districts are not eager for a Donnie itoldhrtiok, of W.

K. College, (iim of J.nrne, he by oiuiueror, liy I'l tu of Waltn winner of tiixt prize ut (iln-now Agricultural and Highland Hociety Hhown ut Stephen K. Oeden Lodge No. avi meets tha which only was collected, and in addition to which but $16 78of theper measure that may deprive them of is 111 town visiting friends Mass 4th Monday in every mouth, in the Masonic 3ir. aiKlerhilt retired as President.

Chicago luter ocean. InverneNK in IMH.i: tie by Monroj.e. bv capita tax was collected, the largerpor- Pickett Kdsnr Smith ott Havwant Taylor Hi Jlalsell i ustructed JStti power. convention at Calhoon Monday I 41 20 mill. ODD FELLOWS.

dale by Knrincr'n Knney, winner of He had his sons remain in the boards, however, and his sons were elected to a That is just where you are wrong, tion of both remaining uncollected. scorn at the idea of attending. Such Brothers Lodge No. 132 meets at Odd Fcl "The attempt of the Republicans to substitute harmony for distraction by ninny 111 ii ny (l by Itroinneld'H riinmtiidti, by Ibis case was brought in the I nited new omce, with general supervisory conclaves are frauds, are cheats, are beneath contempt! They should be Butler has no chance for the nomination in the first place, and, if he had lows nan every i- nuay night. KNICHTS or HONOIl.

means of a reorganization in some of Z. M.SHEltLEV, Trustee In Bankruptcy for K. It. Woolfolk, vs. I.

J.COTTRELL, J. W. HENNTNO, et al. By virtue of a judgment and decree rendered in the above case on Saturday, 17th day of March, lss.i, I will, on Monday, May 211, 1SS3, It being County Court dav, expose to sale at public auction at the Court-house door. In the city of OwellKboro.

the following nnl powers. The purpose of the Vander- (ilancer 1st orThoiiipson'H lilnek Horse, fouled aliout 1H10, and the moid noted of all Ihe founder of the Clvdi-nilale fanillv. I'uv doctored with a dose of dynamite. the interior cities and counties has met ftt 31 ....321 bilts is to escape from the details of States circuit court as a constitutional question under the fourteenth amendment, and fully argued last January for complainants bv Hon. E.

W. Bag- Yost Lodge No. 2525 meets at Odd Fellows' dnni by Urey Wnllace. miii of Mr Wlf- with discouraging results. Where the Judge Roark distanced electricitv in he could not accept it without belying himself.

But, this is neither here nor the great transportation business which they control. Under the present oruan- Hall every Thursday night. Ladles and Knights of Honor lodge meeta every Tuesday Half Breeds were in the ascendant they 1J -wart niim vv niniee, winner ot many prlzei. be by HichiirdKon's Ulenely CViTi by Y0111111 tlvde bis race for election There seems to lie a "dog in the manger" business by and Judge C. F.

Marshall, of this ueiu on. nere the Htaiwarts were in ization there would 110 coufusion occur nigm. KMOHTS OF PYTHIAS. FOR REGISTER OF LANS OFFICE. Cornell ....127 Cecil Sheldon.

S7 Koyd Orunt 25 FOR Hardin 223 Jones 24 Uninstructed FOR A ITIIITOR. Hewitt Un i nst ructed tii2 FOR T- McIIenry I'nlnstrueted 3-i7 city; and tor the city of Owensboro, (Hti bv Irfifty winner of niHiiy pri.t-K mid never tx-nlcn except ny hix own win, he by old (Stretcher. Htiv t-hlcf-N urMiiiluio coutrol they would not let go. "At preseut the prospects of the har connected with the control of our new church. A certain man has persistent rrom the death of any one of them.

Win. H. Vanderbilt has been the Pres Star Lodge No. 19 meeta at Masonic Hall by Judge Sweeney and Messrs. every luesuay evcuing al 7 clock.

there. If Butler should, accidentally or otherwise, be nominated he would not receive the support of either Western or Southern Democrats, the Inter Ocean's dogmatic assertion to the con old "novwulicii, a and noted Iiiiix-, Owen Ellis, of that city. Judge Barr, ly retused to allow any one to preach ident of the Hudson River road for monious reconstruction of the Republican party are not brilliant, either in the I. o. B.

II. 1'nHtlireH will be furnished mnrca frittn a who occupied the bench at the time, nineteen years. Asher Lodge No. 227 meets every second and in the building; he has stubbornly refused to give up certain papers after distance at tl jier iiionth. estate, situate, lying and being in the city of Owenslniro, fronting 200 feet on Fourth street, between Center and Triplett, and run-nins; back from Fourth street south, bv parallel lines, iw feet to a Hi foot Blley.

Said lot has been divided into four lots, fronting .50 feet each on Fourth street. Two of said lots will lirst he sold separately, or so much there of as shall be necessary to pav S7.UI7 Hi deli city or in the rural districts. totik the subject under advisem*nt and rendered his decision. louriu ounuay oi eacu inoniu. 15 inuiwim j.

ji. Ex-Senator Pomeroy of Kansas and "But the Democrats must not count repeated requests; he lias acted inso C. K. OF Ai trary notwithstanding. It is understood that Judge Barr con ir.

ftioddard ot t. hicago are in Wash too much on Republican discord to hell lently to an extent that it will be 1111 Owensboro Branch No. 18 meets North Pub ington ou novel mission. They are them carry the State next fall. It is IBLEY' lic Square first ami third Sundays of each The Journal would be glad to record in search or some colored man avuil- yet six months to the election, and the iioiitii.

A. O. C. W. sidered it the most troublesome question that he has ever been called upon to consider.

He was convinced that the law providing a school system for possible to finish the building until he is relegated to the place where nature and nature's Cod intended him We had an amusing town election. Not the beginning of the work of rebuild power and patronage at stake mav and interest, being balance due vendor's lein. And the two remaining lota will then be sold separately, or so much thereof as shall be necessary to pay S2.262 HI, that sum lieitig the mortgage lein, interest and costs thereon. ahieasa candidate for vict-president on an anti-secret soeietv ticket. Thev ing the burnt district on First street.

drive the Republican factions together Stewart Lrfxlge No. 50 meets every Thursday evening at Col. McIIenry's office. Evansville Journal. Owensboro was unconstitutional, but long since the majestic town council.

wnen the pinch comes." have called upon Register Bruce of the Treasurydepartnieut andhave formally was iu doubt for a time as to the rem About eighteen months ago when now retired, ordered a lop, belonging n.o. li. Harngari Ixslge No. 114 meets every Tues- itr .1. l.

At Hume. The primary election in Daviess county was conducted very quietly, and there was not a large vote polled. Through the negligence of the officers the poll books from one of the Murray voting places, and from Yelvington were not returned but will probably lie in to-day. Enough is known, however, to say that Knott carried every pre edy. nuuressen 10 mm an appeal to accept IV 1 the Messenger suggested that some The resignation of Commissioner to a colored man, to be removed from the streets.

The stilt barrels, plows, uisim in it; oij urti e. MKPICAL SOCIETY. proucreu nomination. The mis 11Y HIS ORDER, Raum has excited a vast deal of un thing was the matter with Evansville's were unmolested. This made the Owensboro Medical Society meeta every the board of trustees of the public sionaries complimented Register Bruce lavishly upon the high position he had wholesale trade, a whole block former 1 bKM OF SALK.

For one-third purchase price casU in hand, and balance In six and twelve mouths for equal installments. The deferred payments on first two lots sold to bear per cent, interest from date until paid. The deferred payments on second two lota sold to bear ier cent interest from date until paid. Bond with approved security required of the purchaser. Sale lietween the hours of 11 o'clock A.

M. and 2 o'cloek i. m. J. D.

POWF.RS, Special Commissioner. econu anu lourin i uesuay in eacu inoniu. iavoraoie criticism from those papers schools of Owensboro are restrained gentleman of color mad. The marshal forced him to time. The colored attained, but their compliments had that opposed the extention of the bond ly occupied by wholesale houses hav MILITARY.

OF ALL PLANTS, FOR ALL CROPS, FOR ALL CLIMATES. Wo ore th larcust farmer, laivext neeil srnir- cr and law. -it m-ed dealt-ra Miywliuitii li ne trroatuHt arllltliia for prndui-inir SeciU A 'I our SeU art (dial, and only the U-t out. Oar Amytal Ctitalonu and frirw Lift brinro Til IJHEATKWT tKKI STtlltK IN Till'. "OltUI TO VOI OWN IXIOIt.

It in. cliuloa all the deairalile now and BUndant Tariotl(n of Flower. Vivrctaliln. Field arid Tree Socda, auu Flanu. Hunt I'KEK toauy xldruia.

HIRAM SIBLEY fc CO. Seedsmen Itacheater, X. V. Chicago, 11L 110 eueei. iie tuanKed them for their man is a talking one.

He talked: he ed whisky period. Many openly charge ing been burned, and then lying idle good opinion, but he remarked that from paying out five-thirteenths of the public school funds for the support of white schools, and arc virtual'y thereby reouired to appropriate that sum to acted; he combined; he marched voters him with being in collusion with the several months, Evansville put on he did not care at this time to sever JACKSON POST. to the polls; he hrought merciless defeat upon the town council. The mar whisky men to defraud the Govern her fighting clothes and assumed a bel his relations with the Rej ublican party cinct iu the county. Clint Griffith was handsomely endorsed by his home people, as was George Simmons by the vote given his brother-in-law, Ralph the maintenance of schools for the col ry Monday night at I Mil Fellows Hall.

meut. The head and front of Mr. shal barely escaped the wreck. "A ligerent attitude. The ruins still re ored children.

When" it is considered uuivm iie was certain 01 success elsewhere. He very respectfully declined K.8. G. little drop of water aud a few grains Raum's offending seems to be that he that nearly all the larger towns of the Company B. Fourth Hattullon.

Munnrch T. S. VENABLE Sheldon; Ohio county was compliment ot sand," ntly applies A. C. State are conducting their schools upon xviut-ps uiffi every nuiiy iiigni ai ine allowed neither his prejudice nor his main, but we hasten to say that it was the Journal that called attention to them this time, and not the Messen Rowan is in Lvansvillc The new lurmiuiOT iniuseii in me manner suggested.

The Male. a system of a' similar discriminating hope of personal aggrandizement to ed through Hay ward; Dick Jones aud Lem McIIenry "put it over" Wat UNPRECEDENTED character, the immense importance of this decision to the colored people of influence him iu rendering decisions Y. M. C. ASSOCIATION.

Jas. H. Punish, President; Newton Court Hardin and Dick Tate; and Rudy and council contains three of the wisest men in the world. Here is the list, pick them out: A. G.

Driskoll, Silas Davis, T. L. Graham, E. C. Riley and It.

H. Arken burgh, jr. Jt kia. CO. affecting the whisky men.

lie simply Kentucky can be understood. The Supreme Court has decided that a wife may recover money lost by her Triplett were renominated for the Leg ney, lrcaNiirt-r. Oix-n every dav acted fairly and honorably towards a uusouiiu iu gaiuunng games. II UN llt'tl HlK (HM CVHMtf CALHOON'S islature, the former leading the latter. Sunday from 7 o'clock ir.

111. to 9 p. 111, Kooing Hop Biller are th Purest ant itcvl It liters ier Mnale. Phil. Thompson will Plead miilf.v to on reuenra irei iwi.

1 nird una hoiirtli. VOTE OF DAVIESS COUNTY. U. AVIS, tieneral Keen tarv. class of citizens who are abused without mercy.

The position Mr. Raum held was paying him $6,000 a year. He the indictment for murder which has They are compounded from Hops, I Ilea. Tlic liritnary piissed oft' very iuk-tlv. oeeu round against him.

There islo be Malt, Ruchu, Mandrake and Dande lion, the oldest, best and most valu nnil, as tho farmers were very busy, did not consider that enough, and so a nig array of legal talent at the trial. The eight-year old trotting horse Prince Golddust, belonging to S. C. Maxwell, of Iitiuisville. aud valued at.

but a small vote was polled, yet to show in what estimation the able medicines in the world and cou-tain all the la-st and most curative properties of all other remedies, being resigned. This he had a perfect right to do. We do not anticipate that his Whtilesale and Retail Dealer in lions. Kuott, Griflith and Lem. Mc- Since it was estab isliotl less FORK PACKERS, AXD DEALERS IN Groceries, Grass Seed, Wheat, Oats Henrv were held bv our community the greatest Blood Purifier, Liver Reg $3,000, died Thursday morning.

He usefulness will be at all impaired by the malignant criticism of his enemies. was being exercised on the track, and Only forty-seven votes were cast, of just, as he had completed a mile heat which Knott received forty, (jrirlith ulator and Life and Health Restoring Agent on earth. No disease or ill health can possibly long exist where than a year ago. The farmers regaril it as their head ai me top or nis speed droptied dead forty, and tjoi. Ijtm thirty-one.

The We concur with Superintendent from heart disease. these liitters are used, so varied and perfect are their operations. Pickett iu the opinion that at least an honest-, earnest effort should be made quarters when they come to tho city, and it is generally recognized as lhey give new lite and vigor to the aged aud infirm. To all whose employ to place the system of common education "on a substantial and reliable ba Colonel's name was not on the book until 2 o'clock, from which time he received every vote cast. Rudy, SO; Triplett, 3.1: Lostutter, 0.

It was due to J. Allen the great European tourist, that the name of Col. Lent, was put on our poll books "The HARDWARE, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Fishing Tackle, Guns and Pistols, I citing, Hose and Packing. MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS Wroiifflit Iron Itailiiiffs, Awiiins, ments cause irregularity of the bowels or unuarv organs, or who reouire an sis" without imposing a heavier burden of taxation. It has occurred to us that and Barley, niE CHEAPEST, Apetizer, Tonic and mild the tax now levied might lie so man Hop Hitters are 111 valuable, being high AN 0 aged aud husbanded as to yield better iiul I Frog Hunting Club" is" what it is called, organized by such crack shots results than it has heretofore done.

At 99i3 if; r1 cv 1 j3 5 1 ffc 1 2s rr lp 5 il'SJS I i 13: KiH.S IKS ST i i E3- I i (Imcrtwr. I I i I 1 Knott 40 1U2 33 5 14 2fi0 2I 21 34 21 Jones li 7 51 2 17; 1(16 118 10: 4 7 Owsley I 1 2i I 5 4 18 1 1 27, 2l! 2j 1 2 Jacob 1 I i I 2( 2 Lieut, f.uu. I I I I I I irillith 40 1(K) 100 37 3N 30 332 2o! 33 20 Allen 2 I 1 6. 2i 3 Johnson 2 ll Smith Hindiiian 4 71 7 Young Whlirowe. 4 -'lwofm.

I Hewitt 31' 4720 11 Si 15'259 320 34! 31 2 Trenxurer. i i I I 2 1.V. 203 14i Tate 14 41 17: 75 8 34 13 12x1 14 33 is 5 Att (irn. I I Jones 2 2 3 5 7 4 13 112217 18 2 Hardin 28.2(1 8 1 8 118 110 261 7 3 I 1 I I ill 4 5ti li 91 8 28 2l' 81 2 3 s-mitll I 2, I 1 10 3- 6: ni Taylor -10; 80 2 9 51' 42! 17 28 220 3127 101 40 61: Ii'yiler. i (iraul 1 3 1 Porter i orliett 1 0 ts 5 1 t'ecil I 3I I ll 3 31 20 7: 65 9 3 28 285 3.72 30 4 I'-I'V" I 3 6j 81 8, ll Kudy -39 97 31 2 4(1 31 '3 11273 31 4l'lfi Triplett 33 101il4 KS 'l2 34 1 7 I 74125 48 37 111 20:231.

102'3ci i28 I as Col. John 1. Martin, aiajor JN. 11 MOST HE LI A ISLE, AXD I JEST PLACE to least we hope an effort will be made in that direction. Covington Allen and (Jen.

I. W. IJoyd, and their field, or rather pond, of operations lies ly curative, tonic aud stimulating, without intoxicating. Xo matter what your feelings or symptoms ate, wtiat, the disease or ailment is, use Hop Hitters. I) m't wait until you are sick, but if you only feel bad or miserable, use Hop Hitters at (feneral J.

P. Xuckols, Adjutant (Jen-eral of the State Guard, has issued an order for rifle and target practice to begin on the 1st of May and end on the 1st of July. A prize medal worth $-2 will be awarded for the Iwst score of ten shots, the distance to be 401) yards. The grand lodge Knights of Honor of Kentucky has purchased the splendid building erected on Market street near First in some years ago by the Lieilerkranz society. The price; paid was The hall will be tned for olliei-s of the grand officers, lodge-rooms and business purpones.

The building has two halls, the' largest seating persons. Hog Oholera, Agricultural Implements, We have expressed a similar opinion contiguous to the line of ttie and railroad, whereon last they cantured thirt v-eight of those beauti GROCERIES, ALSO AGENT FOR before. Kentucky needs more competent men to attend to her a flairs, and when the people realize this fact they ful and sonorous Miugsleis without The "of edible frog ger. We find the following in the report of the funeral services of Walter Davis: Mr. Young said that he had loved Mr, Davis as he loved few men; that there were good Christians outside the church; that he was a man who did his duty in life, and had never done any man a wrong.

No other allusion was made to his death, and veryfew allusions to the family. The sermon was forcible and eloquent. Granting that Davis did not debauch Phil Thompson's wife, did he do no wrong when he took her to a theatre, got her drunk aud took her into his own room at the hotel? The custom among some ministers of white washing the characters of dead men is too prevalent. About 2,000 rejiorts from correspondents of the Agricultural Bureau at Washington upon the condition of the crops May 1 have been received, and it is said they indicate a condition of crojis much iu advance of this time last year. The weather conditions have been more favorable, fewer frosts having occurred.

As to wheat, there are indications that the showing will be very promising. As to the old crop on hand yet, especially of corn, those who have been banking on a shortage will probably find themselves mistaken. It will probably apear that oulside of Iowa and Illinois the supply on hand is in excess of this time last year. In the Southwest this surplus appears to lie very large, iu some States being over 40 jcr cent, of the crop which st ill remains in ilrst hands. The reports of planting in the Southern States will probably show an increase of acreage, with very favorable conditions so far.

The acreage of wheat in the Southwest will probably show a marked falling off from last year. The rejxirts received unofficially from the continent of Europe indicate a decreased average of Cereals, owing to an increase iu the culture of the sugar Itiet. 7i hams far exceed the and the price rules high, with the teudt ncy to HEADQUARTERS FOR jump higher List week two more will stop supporting candidates on purely personal grounds. If thoroughly competent men occupied every office in the Com mou wealth, we doubt not mad dogs were kii.cii 111 mis commu once. It.

may save your hie. Hundreds have been saved by so doing. $500 will be paid for a case they will not. cure, or help. Do not sulfer or let your friends suffer, but use an 1 urge them use Hop Bitters.

Remember, Hop Bitters is no vile, drugged, drunken nostrum, but the Purest aud Best Medicine ever made; the "Invalid's Friend and Hope," anil no person or family should be without them. Try the Bitters to-d ly. nity, but not tietoro one ot them committed great havoc among Ktoek and PROVISIONS an i 1 1 is i. Let all come and he convinced. SAM CALHOON, Fourth Str, et, tn-tween Frederica and Mt.

Kli. tli. Fditors Messenger: Pine Lumlier, White and Yellow Pine FLOORI1UG Weatherboarding, Ceiling and but that expenses eould be reduced at doirs. Mr. K.

Is. Laslibrook had a calf I noticed an article in a recent of your paper, taken from the Com- least one-thitd. nearly Killed ny ine nog. -ir. j.

11. Brown had sheep and hogs bitten; one nioreiai Uaztte, on the subject of ho" The "Southern outrages," as the or cholera, and with the hone that. I mav HERMANN BROS. jS IV ss THE ROELKER PL9W STEEL PLOWS, LAITDRETH'S JUDEX SEEDS A SPECIALTY. Main Street, next door to K.

McfohnHton A t-ttil Knilroul. nnl7w4MWly Sash Doors, Blinds Shin be able to imiiatt some information 011 ators of the "seat of 'culcha' are. the subject which mav be of value to The county committee muet Mon some of your readers ensraced in inn pleased to term them, are not half so atrocious as the horrors of the Tewks- gles and Fence Posts. 8 day and appointed the following delegates: R. S.

Revier, Thos. S. Pettit, T. raising, 1 neg the insertion of this brief What Kept Him Outside. Detroit Free Press.

A colored man was hanging around note: State a Monroe Chicago. bury Alms house. ill trni! rnjM lfrtv Mrwlhw i W. Mathis, II. P.

Tompkins, J. A. years since I read in the col BAND CATALOGUE, (f Call and see us before purchasing, am we are determined not to lie undersold. Remember the place. HI.

Aner, Main Ftreet. one of the opera-houses the othereveli- Commercial Gazette: Governor IV I umns of an agricultural p.iper a stito-iiient to the effect that cholera Muuday, John A. Lytldane, YV. Ijransford, Joe Haycraft, John Hitch- ing, in a in. diner to show that he was gentleman a cow, and L.

VV heeler a dog and some stock; I apsides, perhaps, other damage it may have committed during the night it is running at large. Mr. iyd Hopkins finally took him on the "wing" and stopped his mad Daviess county, and especially this section, can- boast of as tine slock as any of the Islu- tiras region. One sheep, bel-mainsr Master Willie Thomas, turned oil' twenty-two pounds of wool. Among our fine stock raisers Mr.

A. C. Silt lerlati of Chain Ridge, and Mr. I). A.

Mugruder take precedence, mid can rank with the famed breeders ofKisti-rn Ken-; tuckv. Tneir stock firms should be litttoot, fi-ftittpl. Tin I.JM1IIW. de-ply interested in what wa-t going on l-ttnl. nrton SiMitt, ami vailed amoug the swine owned bv a irrr n.

II MiK Moii.lrv i hi 1 till. ItMlrli ock, W. Li. Burton, J. A.

Deau, W. T. gentleman, and his loss Was fearful. If JI MiltYtnls iI-a tni lwdx lnlrui-Uon and luyllwHWl inside, and a gcntlein iu finally slid to him: i-f. iMtjf AinaU-ur KhiiiL.

sua a t.LKlsv iu Kllis, F. F. Conway, B. E. V.

Stout, About this time his corn criliiooL- tiro "Why don't you go in? Under the and was destroyed. The grain rescued Ben. Hardesty, Dr. Crinuian, i.4r, lite ih HweejMftg by, ko I civil rights bill you can tak a seat in REST from the flames was badly burnt. This and Jare iieforeyon ule.Horiie thiiiK mighty hih! Mublime derwood, General Matiager of the Cincinnati News Publishing Company, and who will manage the News-Journal Company, was born in Washington City forty years ago.

His father, one of the most distinguished of the statesman of Kentucky, was nearly half a century in public life, half of which time he was in Congress, eight years in the U. S. Senate, and sixteen years in the House. Uovernor John C. Underwood's Kentucky home was! tile parquet circle." N.

Sweeney, M. S. Mattingly, Geo. F. llaynes, Allen Boyd, D.

McIIenry, A. leave ijfhiiHl lo cuiiuuertune. TYPE Land for Sale. Two hundred hcich 11' liiri.l lyitiit near the mouth of Panther creek. Forty "Yes, s.b, I knows all 'bout dat sah." we in your own town.

45 out fit free. No risk. Kverything new. Cap B. Miller, A.

T. Craycroft, G. V. Trii- was the reply. "Under tie cibil rig-lits ne ieii 10 ine nogs and the cholera disappeared.

On several occasions subsequently he used the same remedy with like reVults, and the article further stated lint hundreds had tried it and ital not reniureti. we will iurniMti you everv- FOUNIIHY, I iici-cm ure In cultivation, and tho ru- bill 1 khii take any scat in de u-a-, but tindi-r de present strain on my finances, tt and all other good Democrats. McLean county itptructed for Knott thing. Miiny are rnaKinic fortune. Iadits make as much us men, and huy tt and girls I innke wait nay.

Reader, if you want husl- visited by tho-ie in want of fine shtcp, hogs and cai tie i'e fol I 1 i 1 ra ns- foisof real estate were recently made: R. M. J. Fitts, II acres, 0 Jfi K. Pe-grain) I.

M. J. Fats, tract of land, to 1 ciiuldu't buy two ir" hull J68 rine Street, Cincinnati, Ohio, ALLISON A SMITH. The type on which this nntier In prtutwl is UimM t0bye yguudiy. Bo.

MKoot.Nuuu. inriinliiij KiOarij heavily ti hered. te Uiuiiht very chiHiji dy applying to Mas. Krsv (IrHiliM, i.cnl- ('(iidB-Ttlle. mat it never tailed to cure.

The rem-; edy is simple and within reach of all. Surely it is worth a trial. XiunAii tutt iiiuii 1 time, write for paiiiuu'an a Uallutt A I Monday by a majority of 17 over Jones, and for Qiint Griflit i unanimously. opera-houses war sellnr for apiece, sahi" in Bowling Green. It seems likely that he may become an Ohio nmu.

Messenger and Examiner from Owensboro, Kentucky (2024)


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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.