Messenger-Inquirer from Owensboro, Kentucky (2024)

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Vi Wednesday August 29 1923 i'OVR or our Years avorice Newspaper What a Wonderful Opportunity or a Good Leader You and I tyDr CCRobinsom all the to Sene But the all summer 1 4 Run your old straw hat no 4 ARMER SICKLE of the cradle TETTER ON gasped Snooku*ms and turned to run away 4 We will appreciate your business SERVICE The National Deposit Bank Jtfakes You eel Yourself Aj iln A Public Institution 4 get the throw 4 In Eruptions Itched and Burned Cuticura Heals the the has taken generations lone match can cause Just In the off at 4 4 Ids By the Pittsburg Parkersburg Pt Pleasant Portsmouth Cincinnati (upper) L'ville (lower) Cloverport Evansville Henderson Mt Vernon Paducah Cairo Are shown the benefits of keep ing competition alive by the drop In the price of gasoline In many states Just a short time until boys and file quit going shoeless wait udtil frost Then go out garden and laugh your head the weeds Wear your best shirts now Why save them until you have to start keeping your coat on? Better start carrying last win ashes out When school starts ten million necks get washed the dosini blockade or liegende Blaetter best known of German comic weeklies is re ported on the verge of bankruptcy This has been a bad summer fof fun making on the Rhine pa An old bird cage placed over an ectric light protects it during a mily fight HEIN IE commercial attache for in Berlin reports that 5 making fashions say germs must jump higher than ever to grab hem of a skirt I NOTICE DISSOLUTION Notice is hereby given that the Newman Oil Refining Company has in the manner required by law been dissolved and is now closing up its business and anyone having debts or demands against it must present them immediately for payment NEWMAN OIL REINING COMPANY By Taylor President fringe off use them for ADVENTURES OTHE TWINS Olive Roberts Barton it be fine when we down so we can SAELY RELIEVES CATARRH THE BLADDER! You Know A Tonic Is Good when it makes you eat like a hungry boy and brings back the color to your cheeks You can soon feel the Strengthening Invigorating Effect of TASTELESS CHILL TONIC 60s screens things out the windows? basketball outfit for this fall Soon be time to take down screens and let the flies out of house for winter Many of the light summer sh*ts have shrunk until they arei almost a vest and knee trousers Bedbugs may be killed by invit in relatives so skinny they arve the bugs to death Owensboro Home Telephone Telegraph Co (Incorporated) Black Dist Mgr Our guess is nine million acres of skin has been scratched by vacationists this summer school trousers Herring Tnelo Sam out of every 100 members of labor unions in Germany only four were unemployed and only 15 working part time July 1 It takes a couple of months to compile such statistics accurately The situation may have changed since July 1 but not much It seems reasonable that these figures also will hold true for Ger man workers not organized in unions As long as St out of every 100 Germans are working full time the German internal situation is encouraging George Horace Txrri mer editor of the Saturday Even ing Tost is back from abroad and considers it decidedly improbable that Germany will collapse NOTICE To the Members of the Dark Tobacco Grow Cooperative" Association The too smallest shoe on earth is any shoe on a foot that has been shoeless canal is River All wickets except 20 in the Chenonine Weir are now up at Dam 48 What changes if any are to be made at the dam today are unknown at this writing Ohio river changes in the Evtnsville district will be slight during the nex t24 to 36 hours and depend on manipulation of wickets at and vltupera And the probability that and Baldwin LIGHT Street Journal dis five electric signs on should have a hip pocket big enough to hold a geography or cushion Thoughtful mothers pad the seats of school pants Grown bathing suit will make a fine little Henry Beauty HEALTH and beauty go hand in hand Where the system is run down the face drawn and hag gard the body limp and lifeless beauty is missing Looks of pity supplant those that might have been gazes of admiration Restore your health and beauty will take care of herself the rich blood builder rekindles the spark of health and lights tho blaze of beauty by building red blood cells Tho nerve power of your system finds life in these very blood cells Build more red blood cells and your nervo power will in crease builds them Rich blood will tingle through your sys tem That lost charm will return Your entire system will be re paired You will be ready to cope with the impurities and blemishes that handicap beauty As physical health means beauty so too does mean beauty or means systems that are free from impurities pimples blackheads acne boils eczema rheumatism and good health go hand In band is made of pure vege table ingredients Jt is sold at all good drug stores tho large size bottle is more economical cent a peace proposition ly no one country could canal to any advantage in war As a matter of fact one of the first acts of a Euronean war after the now waterway Is complet ed probablv would be of the either by by destruction The Rhine Danube hound to play an important part in preserving tho peace of Europe Trim the onsers and jhnney a cowboy suit tnrougn meat grinder Makes as good breakfast food as any 3 The mast the Turkish LIE EXTENSION 'I Today the healthy man at 40 has I the average chance of attaining 65 I or 66 before he shuffles off Th I woman bf the same age is granted I about two years longer 1 Science is gradually conquering I disease With preventive medicine I developed to its maximum within I the comihg decAde centenarians I may become as numerous boot I legers under protec I tion Current newspapers and medical I journals have astonished the world I in the past few months by their I announcements of medical skilvic tories over disease! I am not an 1 nouncing these cures as I conclusive but the statements as I giyen out seem to warrant a I strong belief that a new medical I day for mankind is dawning I During the year diabetes has I yielded to the discovery by Dr Ban I ting of Toronto It almost al modern miracle It allows children I and young adults a new lease on I life The treatment is by hypoder I mic injection of pancreatic ex 1 tracts I Professor Wagner Jauregg of I Vienna a leading neurologist only last June announced the cure oil 299 patients out of 300 treated for one form of paralysis The treat ment is by injection of malaria germs and after a fortnight the patient is inocculated with neo salvarson Paralysis has been con sidered incurable up to this time Here is another that strikes nearer home Dr Donald Butts of Philadelphia states that cancer can be cured Think of how many lives this will save if his treatment works out successfully Only last month two Italian phy sicians of Rome announced the isolation of the bacillus Of scarlet fever and the effective us? of a serum treatment If this actually has been done it is the greatest disease preventive since the first use of diptheretic serum One day armer Brown came along with a sickle in his hand have to cut down all these he said to himself and yet loud enough for a hundred little ears to hear They a bit of good in the world and when they go to seed spread next year more than ever Oh psh'aw! My pipe's gone out and have to go back to the bouse for some matches just leave this sickle here until 1 come Under the burdocks the tiny Pee Wee Landers wore too dismayed for words If the burdocks were cut down where would Pee Wee Land be? shall we cried King Snooku*ms what shall we do repeated Mister Codger And every Pee Wee Lander looked at his neighbor and said miserably on earth are we going to Nancy and Nic kstayed by' not saying a word but thinking hard They would1' have to help their nice little friends there wasn't a doubt Suddenly sharp eyes noticed armer sickle lying where he had left it and he whispered something to Nancy And then the Twins said some tiling to King Snooku*ms how can said the little in surprise aren't any bigger than the rest of we're as big as GASOLINE Twenty tank cars of'gasoline of fcred at 16 cents a gallon by a single filling station in South Da kota smashed the gasoline market in that state and started price cut ing in nearly every part of the na tion This teaches us more about tlie benefits of keeping Competition alive than a dozen economists could get into as many textbooks It also teaches that everything is extremely susceptible to destruc tion A small ax speedily cuts down a tree that to grow A a big fire The Wall f'nvfira that Broadway New York City use near ly 36000 lamps which is more than were used in the entire United States in 1881 two yaers after Edi son brought out the first incandes cent lamp One of the greatest achievements of civilization has been the artifi cial turning of darkness into daj light 1 St Kilda most remote island with a population of 80 souls Is cut off for about eight months by stormy seas laughed Nick are only little when we are with tiny folk like you It's our magic shoes you know We can wish ourselves any size at commanded King Snooku*ms curiously Instantly the Twins were their own size like any other little boy or girl gasped Snook ums and turned to run away and so did Mister Codger and all the pee Wee Landers we hurt ex claimed Nancy only want to help you Nick and I are going to hide armer Brown's sickle in the high grass where he can not find it and Pee Wee Land will be And so they did and to this minute the burdocks are there and never never guess what was underneath (To Be Continued) (Copyright 1923 NEA Service Inc) Black CAPSULES Are you able io save money? If not drop out Yu Will lose You may think not but you Will lose as sure as you live The seed of success is not in you? Hux RIGHT NOW A HOME TELEPHONE Gives you everything you want in Telephone service ITY THOUSAND WOMEN Would comprise a vast' army yet that is the number who have re plied to a questionnaire recently sent out by the Lydia Pinkham Medicine Co of Lynn Mass Ninety eight out of every 100 letters from these women contained positive assurances that they have been benefited or restored to health by taking this old fashioned root and herb medicine This is most re markable evidence of its power over the lils of women Therefore with 98 chances out of one hundred that Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound will overcome such aiments for von why should yon continue to go through life in pain and suffer ing Adv a More Paid Circulation in Owensboro Than Any Newpapep Our Savings Department is thoroughly organized and our plan of paying interest on accounts is more liberal than you will find elsewhere baby had tetter very badly It broke out on her scalp in small eruptions and soon spread The itching and burning causeu ner io a scratch which made It 7 worse Her hair began vyrif to fall out and she could hardly sleep at night on account of the irritation sent for a free sample of Cuti cura Soap and Ointment and pur chased more and when I had used four cakes of Soap and three boxes of Ointment she was (Signed) Mrs Cora Poore 2 Box 28 Bristol Tenn Use Cuticura Soap Ointment and Talcum for all toilet purposes Simples ree byNail Address: Leber iitoriet Iept Malden 4S Sold every where Sonp25c Oc tmcat 23 and Cuticura Sowpsbavea wiOioutmug I SUBSCRIPTION RATES BY CARRIER Daily per week One year (in advance) and and that some more active man be charged witlr the responsibility of leading it to victory in November His ultimate action in this re gard is of course secondary to the consideration of his present phys ical state in which he is an object of grave concern of prayerful hearts throughout Kentucky If as is today indicated as possible by his secretary Joe Morris Mr Cantrill should be so benefited by the operation as to cause him to decide to enter either personnally or through bis friends and party workers into the heat of the cam paign it will be a happy thing CONISCATION IN GERMANY The drastic measures which the Stresemann government is formu lating to mobilize the hidden I nro hpinsr UD wvanu cl uuluiumj Rertaken to finance a bankrupt ad Ministration and not to add more payments to the reparations account Nevertheless here is a very direct connection between this program and the reparations situation Herr Hilferding a thorough go ing Socialist and the first man of that opinion ever to hold the office of inance Minister in Germany is planning penalties said to in clude the death sentence for those who refuse to surrender secreted wealth to the German government By the results the world should at last be able to form an estimate of how much wealth individual Ger mans have actually secreted either at home or abroad in order to evade their reparations dues The preliminary estimtes of tlie amount which can be realized by these tactics scarcely bears out the theory that if only the big Germanindustrialists could be forced to disgorge plenty of money would be available to meet all rench bills liilferding's initial program as outlined in dispatches from Ber lin calls for the seizure of all for eign currencies held by Germans reimbursem*nt to be made In pap jZer marks rom this action the gov '3 ernment expects to realize between3 200000000 and 300000000 gold L3 marks Premier Poincare announc ed this week that the minimum rench claim on Germany still stands at 26000000000 gold marks plus the amount of the rench Ljidebt to Great Britain and the Unit IXletl States if these last nations in xjtend to demand payment The ITil 3 ferding program therefore may fiX collect from the pockets of recal citrant Germans as much as one KX per cent of the absolute minimum which rance demands EX Behind this seizure of foreign Wflcurrencies held in Germany It ap A pears that two schemes are discussion One is to attach for Il'tA eign deposits and investments of Germans so far as these are not ne I'e Tcessary for ordinary business pur lXpt'ses It is well to remember that I steps leading to this end have al ready been attempted by previous German governments and have 'T'beqn flat failures because no na iXtion except Czecho Slovakla would i agree to treaties empowering Ber lin to seize from foreign banks money invested there by German citizens It is difficult to see why the attitude tof Switzerlandwed it Central Trust Co Member of ederal Reserve Bank KNOWN EVERYWHERE AS THE SAE RELIABLE BANK HENDERSON Ky Aug 29 About 45 acres of tobacco ruined by hall which fell in the Bobards neighborhood last night according to reports reaching here today The storm lasted only a short time but in that time about 50 per cent of the crop was ruined the dam AL BRAND Meteorol og i TOBACCO RUINED There will be a series of meet ings held in Daviess county dur ing the month of August Stanley Tues 28th Masonville Wed 29th Utica Thurs 30th Habit ri 31st Panther Sat Sept 1st These meetings will be held promptly at 8 Manager Brown adAj rectors A Rogers GeorgeKtlU and Humphries will be present and all matters of in terest to the members will be dis cussed HAYCRAT Warehouseman TOM SIMS Our many years of Banking experience and the close personal interest we take in each customer assures you that the business you may entrust to us will be handled in a satisfactory manner en Holland and other countries where individual Germans main tain bank accounts should be any different now' The other scheme which the Stresemann government holds in reserve seems to be outright con fiscation running to as high as 35 per cent of privately owned prop erty Confiscation has been tried often in history and for the smple reason that the great majority of wealth is intangible wealth it has never been an economic success although effective as a revolution ary measure The classic example occurred during the rench Revo lution when the Constituent As sembly voted the seizure of land held by the church and estimated to bo worth three billion francs As there was no market for the re sale of this land under existing conditions the Assembly Issued paper assignats posedly secured on it The as signats were soon so depreciated i as to he nearly worthies'! It cannot be too strongly ompha sized that neither land nor machin cry nor buildings: railroads mines and farms have any inherent value in themselves which can ne seiz tne ser and the Seizure If th? worst comes to pass we may ha to content ourselves with the theight that coal used to ba dirty stf 'anyway' OWENSBORO INQUIRER J' (incorporated) i MEMBER THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is ex clusively entitled to the use for republication of all news credited I to it or not otherwise credited in anil paper ana hibw tu news published herein (Entered at the Owensboro Post office as Second Class matter) INQUIRER Established 1884 Press Established 18S Consolidated April 5 1887 issued every afternoon (except Saturday) and Sundav morning Morning Mail Edition 'morning except onday oemi Edition Issued Tuesday and riday mornings i SUBSCRIPTION RATES BY MAIL One year Per month 7 Scml Weekly Edition (in One year u'bU CANTRILL That the not unlooked for turn for the worse in the physical state of Campbell Cantrill Democratic nominee or governor and the operation which followed have been succeeded by a rise in hopes for his ultimate recovery is good news Kentuckians generally re gardless of their politics feel deep concern for the stricken leader of the dominant party in the state His conduct in the recent primary and since his victory won for him much affection and had assured hint the almost unanimous support actively and energetically of his party in the approaching election That he will not now be able to make the race and will prefer to return to his party the leadership it gave him is to use the words of close friends and supporters certain as anything could It is obvious that the necessity for 'this appeared to Mr Cantrill be fore he went to the operating table Inoti! hid plnc While nn aouDLivea tion would be made certain by his 4 friends regardless of his inability? to take part in the campaign those who are in a position to know in dicate clearly that Mr Cantrill be Ilevcs that it will be best for him 3 self that he give up the race and its attendant mental strain 3 seek to regain his strength perhaps best for his party RADIO Three and a halt million radio receiving sets are now in use in our country according to a trade estimate This invention has come into popularity faster than any thing in history We are quicker to a on trying out the new and improved than people were in former generations Incidentally there now are 18 900 licensed amateur transmitting stations rom these and their suc cessors will come inventions that eventually will make radio receiv ing sets as compact and portable as watches placing the users in in stant touch with tho far corners of the earth Radio remember is not yet cut ed Their value lies in vices which they renderrnrl Tvllinll thCV DrOdHCP of these forms of capital as the rench have discovered in the Ruhr does not transfer to the hands of those who do the seizing It is far more likely to destroy this intangible wealth altogether We have therefore the situation that the amount of hoarded money which tlie German government can seize either for reparations or oth er purposes will to a certainty be insufficient to meet more than a tiny fraction of the rench de mands while the intangible wealth of the country if seized bv the Ger man government the rench or anyone else will lose the greater part of its value bv being se'zod So far as the payment of repara tions is concerned as Hilferding himself would he the first to admit his drastic program carries hope whatever Psychological! however program is a step forward showing to rance and to world that the new German ernment has no svmnahv with the industrialists and profiteers who have evaded payment he carries the situation to a stage where com mon sense may perhaps triumph over recrimination tion Premiers Poincare may cease exchanging bitter notes in order to talk over Plain facts face to face may provide the oc casion for putting a little common sense on reparations in operation CENTR AL OUTSTAND TNG peaceful enterprise There is one enterprise now well under way in Europe which is based nn the assumption that the nations of that continent are going to live in peace It is announced that work on the Rhine Danube commercial canal is progressing rapidly This monumental under taking was started two years ago and several more years will be re quired for its completion This new trade route will have tremendous influence upon a laige part of the commerce of Europe It will provide a direct watm wav from the North sea to the Black sea thus connecting western Eu rope with eastern Europe The Rhine Danube waterway will touch and directlv benefit nine Holland Germany rance Aus tria Hungary Bulgaria Czecbo Slovakii and It will create a chain of Through the very heart of Europe All ocean going ships of not mom than 1500 tons capacitv will be able to sail from the mouth of the Rhine to tho mouth of the Danube This new transportation svstom will include both freight and pass oncer business At tho present time ships sailing from the Rhine to the Danube must cover tho groat distance rep resented bv the wost rn eoast of Europe and the full length of the Mediterranean sea then nass through straights Into tho Black sea and thence to the ports of the Danube Promoters of the canal predict that practically all this business will be diverted tn the short route pro vided by the Rhine Danube canal A large passenger business is predicted due to the fact that will be one of Euronos best scenic routes Tlie Rhine and the Danube have long been famous both for their beauty and their points of historic interest This trio has been popular with tourists in spite of tlie inconvenience of frequent changes from water to land trans portation V'hen the canal is com pleted there will be nn interrup tion or change of steamers 100 per Obvius use tho time of "POPULAR OR GENERATIONS'' 1 A PRKPARATION OP COMPOUND COPAIBA AND CUBtSt AT DRUGGISTS or TRIAL BOX BYMAILjfo ROM PLANTEN 93 HENRY ST BROOKLYN MX BEWARE IMITATIONS OR'lbl INHY DONTTmEY ALL PLAV THE' 5AME TOME MRV I I I Il 7 'll 7 7 I 77 77r 7 Vm gJ7 Zl II I ZWZ ZaZ I lnrariwpiiMiriaMW' wfi' 1 2 WEATHER BUREAU DAILY RIVER BULLETIN is "us ts tl fl STATIONS 1 SSS' I I fl 70 00 116 101 12 28 85 23 20 135 05 50 115 00 00 91 01 00 127 02 48 00 94 02 00 107 03 00 57 00 71 00 150 00.

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Messenger-Inquirer from Owensboro, Kentucky (2024)


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To place an obituary in the Messenger-Inquirer, use the "Publish Now" link below or contact our customer service team. They can assist with placing your obituary in the Messenger-Inquirer and other newspapers across the U.S. Call us at (888) 823-8554 or send us an email.

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SUBSCRIBER SERVICES/Website Assistance: Call our Circulation Department at 684-5261 or (800) 633-2008. Business hours are 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday-Friday. If you get an answering machine during non-business hours, leave your name, address, telephone number and tell us why you're calling. We check our messages often.

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However, in communities where access to media is limited, or in cases where the deceased or their family prefer privacy, an obituary may not be published. Additionally, socio-economic factors can influence whether an obituary is created, as families with fewer resources might not have the means to publish one.

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Example condolence messages
  1. I'm sorry for your loss. ...
  2. Please accept my deepest condolences for you and your family's loss. ...
  3. My heartfelt condolences to you and your family. ...
  4. I am truly sorry to hear about the loss of your father. ...
  5. It was with great sadness that we learned of Daniel's passing.

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You can call one person or make group calls in Messenger. 1. From Calls, open a conversation with the person or people you want to voice call.

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How do I submit an obituary to the local newspaper? ›

Most newspapers will have links on their websites directing people to submit a paid death notice, usually under the heading “Obituaries” or “Obits.” While some newspapers manage their own obituary submission and management processes, many newspapers work with the obituary and death notice website

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Many funeral homes publish obituaries on their websites. These can usually be located with a Google search on the person's name. Local genealogical and historical societies, public libraries, and some newspaper publishers maintain clipping files of obituaries.

Is the obituary read at funeral? ›

An obituary is written to tell the story of your loved one. These will often be in the funeral program. There will even be a part of the funeral where the obituary will be silently read by everyone in attendance at the funeral. It is something you and your family should be patient with when you are writing it.

What is the largest obituary website? ›

The Web site hosts obituaries and memorials for more than 70 percent of all U.S. deaths. hosts obituaries for more than three-quarters of the 100 largest newspapers in the U.S., by circulation.


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Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Author information

Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

Phone: +9418513585781

Job: Senior Designer

Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.