Hickory Hill, KY Drug Labs (2024)

Hickory Hill, KY Area Former Drug Labs Chart & Map

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Microsoft.Maps.Events.addHandler(clusterLayer, 'mouseover', pushpinClicked); Microsoft.Maps.Events.addHandler(clusterLayer, 'click', pushpinClicked); map.layers.insert(clusterLayer); }); viewchangeendHandlerId = Microsoft.Maps.Events.addHandler(map, 'viewchangeend', function () { if(clusterLayer){ clusterLayer.setPushpins(getPins(selectedCats)); } }); var boundaries = [["-85.569321,38.288998","-85.568979,38.289158","-85.568575,38.289349","-85.567653,38.289783","-85.567365,38.289057","-85.566448,38.286712","-85.566334,38.286418","-85.566327,38.286397","-85.566303,38.286325","-85.567205,38.285992","-85.56804,38.285685","-85.568219,38.286084","-85.568917,38.287628","-85.569095,38.288049","-85.569237,38.288322","-85.569498,38.288914","-85.569321,38.288998"]]; loadBoundaries(boundaries); } function getPins(categories) { //alert(categories); var view = map.getBounds(); var topLeftLat = view.getNorthwest().latitude; var topLeftLon = view.getNorthwest().longitude; var bottomRightLat = view.getSoutheast().latitude; var bottomRightLon = view.getSoutheast().longitude; var longitude = map.getCenter().longitude; var latitude = map.getCenter().latitude; var showAllResults = 0; for (var i in categories) { var pinType = categories[i]; dataPoints[pinType] = []; // alert(pinType); // LOAD NEW PINS $.ajax({ url: ajaxURL, type: "post", dataType: 'json', async: false, data: {statename: 'KY', 'latitude': map.getCenter().latitude.toString(), 'longitude': map.getCenter().longitude.toString()}, success: function (data) { if (data != null) { //loadMapPoints(data.records, pinType); var id = 0; markers = []; var pinIcon = iconCollection[pinType]; points = data.result; // alert(points.length); $.each(points, function () { if (this.latitude != null && this.longitude != null) { /* var dataPin = {}; dataPin['latitude'] = this.latitude; dataPin['longitude'] = this.longitude; dataPin['popup'] = this.popup; dataPin['pinType'] = pinType;*/ popupText = this.popup; var loc = new Microsoft.Maps.Location( this.latitude, this.longitude); //Add a pushpin at the user's location. var pin = new Microsoft.Maps.Pushpin(loc, { icon: pinIcon, anchor: new Microsoft.Maps.Point(60, 60) }); pin.metadata = { title: pinType, description: this.popup }; dataPoints[pinType].push(pin); } }); } }, complete: function () { }, error: function (request, status, error) { } }); } return dataPoints[pinType]; } function pushpinClicked(e) { //Show an infobox when a pushpin is clicked. showInfobox(e.target); } function showInfobox(pin) { //Check to see if the pushpin is a cluster. if (typeof pin.containedPushpins == 'undefined') { if (pin.metadata) { click = "0"; popuptxt = pin.metadata.description; if (popuptxt != null) popuptxt = popuptxt.replace("<![CDATA[", "").replace("]]>", ""); var htmlContent = pushpinFrameHTML.replace('{content}', popuptxt); htmlContent = htmlContent.replace('

', '

'); infobox.setOptions({ location: pin.getLocation(), htmlContent: htmlContent, visible: true }); var xbuffer = 5; var ybuffer = 0; var yOffset = 50; var xOffset = 10; var infobox_width = 200; var infoboxOffset = infobox.getOffset(); var infoboxAnchor = infobox.getAnchor(); var infoboxLocation = map.tryLocationToPixel(pin.getLocation(), Microsoft.Maps.PixelReference.control); var map_width = map.getWidth(); var map_height = map.getHeight(); var infobox_height = $('.infobox').height(); //pinInfobox.getHeight() returns bogus values, using this jquery instead var infobox_left_corner = infoboxLocation.x; var infobox_top_corner = infoboxLocation.y; var infobox_top_corner_offset = map_height - infobox_top_corner + 45; if ((infobox_left_corner + infobox_width) > map_width) xOffset = (map_width - (infobox_width + infobox_left_corner) - xbuffer); if ((infobox_top_corner_offset + infobox_height) > map_height) yOffset = (infobox_top_corner - infobox_height - ybuffer); /*pinInfobox._offset.x = xOffset; pinInfobox._offset.y = yOffset; pinInfobox.setLocation(obj.target.getLocation());*/ infobox.setOptions({offset: new Microsoft.Maps.Point(xOffset, yOffset)}); tb_init('a.thickbox, area.thickbox, input.thickbox'); } } } function hideInfobox(e) { infobox.setOptions({visible: false}); } function createCustomClusteredPin(cluster) { //Define variables for minimum cluster radius, and how wide the outline area of the circle should be. var minRadius = 12; var outlineWidth = 7; //Get the number of pushpins in the cluster var clusterSize = cluster.containedPushpins.length; //Calculate the radius of the cluster based on the number of pushpins in the cluster, using a logarithmic scale. var radius = Math.log(clusterSize) / Math.log(10) * 5 + minRadius; //Default cluster color is red. var fillColor = 'rgba(255, 40, 40, 0.5)'; if (clusterSize > 100) { pinIcon = 'cluster_over_100'; iconWidth = 60; iconHeight = 60; } else if (clusterSize > 10) { pinIcon = 'cluster_over_10'; iconWidth = 56; iconHeight = 55; } else if (clusterSize <= 10) { pinIcon = 'cluster_under_10'; iconWidth = 53; iconHeight = 52; } pinIconUrl = '/images/map_icons/v2/' + pinIcon + '.png'; offset = new Microsoft.Maps.Point(0, 80); //Create an SVG string of two circles, one on top of the other, with the specified radius and color. var svg = ['

']; //Customize the clustered pushpin using the generated SVG and anchor on its center. cluster.setOptions({ icon: pinIconUrl, width: iconWidth, height: iconHeight, //anchor: new Microsoft.Maps.Point(radius, radius), textOffset: new Microsoft.Maps.Point(0, 18) }); } /** Boundary ***/ function getBoundary(boundarytype, countyid, cityid, zipcode) { //console.log(countyid+'- '+cityid+'- '+zipcode); if (boundarytype == 'state') return; $.ajax({ url: "/bingmap/getboundary.html", type: "post", data: {boundaryType: boundarytype, countyId: countyid, cityId: cityid, zipCode: zipcode}, //async: false, dataType: 'json', beforeSend: function (data) { //$("#mapMessage").html('Loading '+categoryLabels[pinType]).show(); $("#loading-wait").show(); }, success: function (data) { $("#loading-wait").hide(); loadBoundary(data); var view = map.getBounds(); var topLeft = view.getNorthwest(); var bottomRight = view.getSoutheast(); //console.log(topLeft+' '+bottomRight); //getSchools(); }, complete: function () { }, error: function (request, status, error) { } }); } function loadBoundaries(placemark) { map.entities.remove(gBoundaryPolygons); //gBoundaryPolygons.clear(); /* fillcolor = new Microsoft.Maps.Color(100, 212, 222, 223); strokecolor = new Microsoft.Maps.Color(240, 0, 77, 140);*/ fillcolor = 'rgba(212,222,223,0.4)'; strokecolor = 'rgba(0,77,140,0.7)'; strokethickness = 2; strokedasharray = "4 4"; if (placemark !== null && placemark.length > 0) { $.each(placemark, function (key, placemarker) { vertices = getVertices(placemarker); var polygon = new Microsoft.Maps.Polygon(vertices, {fillColor: fillcolor, strokeColor: strokecolor, strokeThickness: strokethickness, strokeDashArray: strokedasharray, visible: true}); gBoundaryPolygons.push(polygon); }); map.entities.push(gBoundaryPolygons); } }// below function is to get each map co-ordinates from json response of boundary. function getVertices(coordinates) { var msLocations = []; var first = coordinates[0]; var last = coordinates[coordinates.length - 1]; for (i = 0; i < coordinates.length; i++) { var coordinate = coordinates[i]; var xyz = coordinate.split(','); var location = new Microsoft.Maps.Location(xyz[1], xyz[0], 0); msLocations.push(location); } // This is for very rare chance where first and last co-ordinated are not same for polygons. // if not same than polygon will not be closed and may show entire map selected. if (first != last) { var coordinate = coordinates[0]; var xyz = coordinate.split(','); var location = new Microsoft.Maps.Location(xyz[1], xyz[0], 0); msLocations.push(location); } return msLocations; } $(document).ready(function() { MapNavigation.InitMapNavigation(); });

Hickory Hill, KY Drug Labs (2024)


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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Author information

Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

Phone: +26417467956738

Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.