Many-body order parameters for multipoles in solids (2024)

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Many-body order parameters for multipoles in solids

Byungmin Kang, Ken Shiozaki, and Gil Young Cho
Phys. Rev. B 100, 245134 – Published 20 December 2019
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Many-body order parameters for multipoles in solids (1)

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    Many-body order parameters for multipoles in solids (2)


    We propose many-body order parameters for bulk multipoles in crystalline systems, whenever the bulk multipole moments can be defined in terms of the nontrivial topology of the nested Wilson loop. The many-body order parameters are designed to measure multipolar charge distribution in a crystalline unit cell, and they match the localized corner charge originating from the multipoles when the symmetries quantizing the multipoles are protected. Our many-body order parameters provide a complementary view to the nested Wilson loop approaches and even go beyond, as our many-body order parameters are readily applicable to interacting quantum many-body systems. Furthermore, even when the symmetries quantizing multipoles are lost so that the nested Wilson loop spectrum does not exactly reproduce the physical multipole moments, our many-body order parameters faithfully measure the physical multipole moments, which is confirmed numerically during Thouless pumping processes. We provide analytic arguments and numerical demonstration of the order parameters for various higher-order insulators having bulk multipole moments. Finally, we discuss the applicability of our many-body order parameters in the cases where the Wannier gap is absent so that the bulk multiple moments cannot be defined in terms of the nested Wilson loop.

    • Many-body order parameters for multipoles in solids (3)
    • Many-body order parameters for multipoles in solids (4)
    • Many-body order parameters for multipoles in solids (5)
    • Many-body order parameters for multipoles in solids (6)
    • Many-body order parameters for multipoles in solids (7)
    • Many-body order parameters for multipoles in solids (8)
    • Many-body order parameters for multipoles in solids (9)

    7 More

    • Received 8 March 2019
    • Revised 19 August 2019


    ©2019 American Physical Society

    Physics Subject Headings (PhySH)

    1. Research Areas

    Density of statesEdge statesElectronic structureTopological materials

    Condensed Matter, Materials & Applied Physics

    Authors & Affiliations

    Byungmin Kang1, Ken Shiozaki2, and Gil Young Cho3,*

    • 1School of Physics, Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Seoul 02455, Republic of Korea
    • 2Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan
    • 3Department of Physics, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Pohang 37673, Republic of Korea
    • *

    See Also

    Difficulties in operator-based formulation of the bulk quadrupole moment

    Seishiro Ono, Luka Trifunovic, and Haruki Watanabe
    Phys. Rev. B 100, 245133 (2019)

    Many-body electric multipole operators in extended systems

    William A. Wheeler, Lucas K. Wagner, and Taylor L. Hughes
    Phys. Rev. B 100, 245135 (2019)

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    Vol. 100, Iss. 24 — 15 December 2019

    Many-body order parameters for multipoles in solids (10)
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    • Many-body order parameters for multipoles in solids (15)

      Figure 1

      Charge configuration in real space with multipole moments.

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    • Many-body order parameters for multipoles in solids (16)

      Figure 2

      Interpretation of partition functions with the insertion of Ûa. Ûa acts at τ=0 followed by the imaginary time evolution along τ. Periodic boundary condition is used along the τ direction.

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    • Many-body order parameters for multipoles in solids (17)

      Figure 3

      (a)Corner charges of quadrupolar insulator derived from the effective action. Charges are localized only at four corners of the rectangular region M, which has a nonzero quadrupole moment Qxy0. Note that the vacuum has a trivial quadrupole moment Qxy=0. (b)Charge current configuration derived from the effective action under the Thouless pumping. In this case charges flow only along the boundary of M, and their directions are denoted as arrows.

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    • Many-body order parameters for multipoles in solids (18)

      Figure 4

      (a)The phase diagram of the quadrupole insulator (21) when δ=0 and λx=λy=1. The shaded region denotes topologically nontrivial phase (quadrupole moment equals 0.5), and black dots denote bulk energy gap closing points. (b)and (c)Evaluation of Qxy (2) for the quadrupole insulator (21). We set λx=λy=1 and δ=0, and evaluate Qxy (b)along the cut γx=γy and (c)along the cut γx=0.5. In both cases there is a sharp change at γy=1, which is consistent with the phase diagram (a). (d)Anomalous topological quadrupole insulator [19]. Here the ground state is known to be topological if VzΔ2+μ2>1 and trivial if VzΔ2+μ2<1, and this is well captured by Û2. See the text for details on the model and the numerical values of the parameters.

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    • Many-body order parameters for multipoles in solids (19)

      Figure 5

      (a)The complex phase of Û3 for topological octupole insulator (23). We set λx=λy=λz=1.0 and tune γγx=γy=γz[0,2]. When γ<1.0 (γ>1.0), the ground state is in a topological (trivial) octupole insulator phase, which is indeed captured by Û3 up to a finite-size effect. (b)Edge-localized polarization model (24) with (γ,λx,λy)=(0.1,1.0,0.5) and change δ[0,0.6]. The corner charge comes solely from the boundary localized polarization, and the bulk quadrupole moment vanishes. We indeed see that the complex phase of Û2 is trivial up to finite-size effects.

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    • Many-body order parameters for multipoles in solids (20)

      Figure 6

      Evaluation of the phase of V̂a=1,2(l) of Eq.(19) and Eq.(20) for various values of l in the case of (a)the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger chain (25) and (b)the quadrupole insulator (21). We set γ=1.0 (γx=γy=1.0) and δ=0.2 and change λ (=λx=λy).

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    • Many-body order parameters for multipoles in solids (21)

      Figure 7

      Comparison between three different physical quantities, complex phase of Û2, nested Wilson quadrupole moment Qxyω, and corner charge qc for (a)isotropic Thouless pumping (27) and (b)anisotropic Thouless pumping (28). While the complex phase of Û2 and the corner charge qc agree with each other with almost no discernible differences, Qxyω given in terms of the Wannier-sector polarizations agrees with the two only at θ=π/2,3π/2, i.e., δ=0 and the quadrupole moment is quantized.

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    • Many-body order parameters for multipoles in solids (22)

      Figure 8

      (a)Tight-binding model of topological quadrupole insulator with π/2-flux per unit cell. The tight-binding hopping parameters are shown with arrows, which specify the direction of the hopping. (b)Comparison between several different physical quantities, the many-body order parameter Qxy using Û2 with respect to the periodic and open boundary condition, the physical quadrupole moment via the bulk-boundary correspondence (26) pxedge+pyedgeqc, and corner charge qc during the Thouless pumping (29). We see a remarkable agreement between the many-body order parameter Qxy using Û2 under a periodic boundary condition and the physical quadrupole moment. The many-body order parameter Qxy using Û2 under an open boundary condition agrees with the corner charge qc up to a finite-size error. (c)The system size dependence of the many-body order parameter Qxy using Û2 under an open boundary condition at θ=π/4 in Eq.(29) and the convergence to the corner charge in the thermodynamic limit.

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    • Many-body order parameters for multipoles in solids (23)

      Figure 9

      Scaling of many-body order parameters |Ûn=1,2| versus the linear system size L in the case of (a)SSH chain (C3) with (γ,λ,δ)=(1.0,2.0,0.1) and (b)topological quadrupole insulator (C5) with (γx,γy,λx,λy,δ)=(1.0,1.0,2.0,2.0,0.1). (a)The modulus of Û1 converges to 1 as L, as expected in the case of a gapped insulator. (b)The modulus of Û2 decays exponentially in L even in the case of a gapped insulator.

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    • Many-body order parameters for multipoles in solids (24)

      Figure 10

      Comparison between the Wannier gap and the modulus of |Û2| for a topological quadrupole insulator (C4). In panels (a)and (b)we fix (γx,γy,λy,λx,λy)=(0.75,1.0,1.0,1.0) and tune δ[0.2,0.2]. When δ=0 (a)the Wannier gap closes and (b)|Û2| is the smallest. In panels (c)and (d)we fix (γx,λx,λy,δ)=(0.75,1.0,1.0,0.0) and tune γy[0.75,1.25]. (c)The Wannier gap associated with the Wannier band νx(ky) closes at γy=1.0 and (d)|Û2| is the smallest around γy=1.0. In all cases the Wannier gap is well defined in the thermodynamic limit while |Û2| vanishes in the thermodynamic limit.

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    • Many-body order parameters for multipoles in solids (25)

      Figure 11

      Many-body order parameter based on V̂2(l) applied to Eq.(C4) for various l with (γx,λx=λy,δ)=(0.5,1.0,0.0) while changing γy, which is the same as the cut used in Fig.4. The curve is identical for l=19,15, and 11, showing that even when l is an order of L/2, the many-body order parameter based on V̂2(l) correctly reproduces the phase diagram along the cut.

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    • Many-body order parameters for multipoles in solids (26)

      Figure 12

      The complex phase of V̂1(l,d) and V̂2(l,d) for various l as a function of d. Panels (a)and (c)correspond to the SSH chain (C3) where we set (γ,λ)=(1.0,2.0) and (c)δ=0 and (d)δ=0.1. Panels (b)and (d)correspond to the topological quadrupole insulator (C5) where we set (γx,γy,λx,λy)=(1.0,1.0,2.0,2.0) and (c)δ=0 and (d)δ=0.1. While the ground state of panels (a)and (b)are topologically nontrivial, for some l and d, the complex phase of V̂n(l,d) becomes trivial. In panels (c)and (d)as a function of d, we see “lumps.”

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    • Many-body order parameters for multipoles in solids (27)

      Figure 13

      (a)12πImlogÛ2 as a function of hopping parameter t in Eq.(E1) with system sizes L=16 and L=17. For L=16, we take into account additional (1) factor coming from background charge distribution. Note that both L=16 and L=17 show dependency in t, while the fractional corner charge is independent of t[0,0.25], hence indicating an unstable nature of the C4 insulator with respect to Û2. (b)The Wannier band νx(ky) of the ground state of Eq.(E1) at 3/8 filling. We have one doubly degenerate and one nondegenerate flat bands, so in total zero net polarization.

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    • Many-body order parameters for multipoles in solids (28)

      Figure 14

      (a)12πImlogÛ2 as a function of onsite C4-breaking parameter δ in Eq.(E5) with t=0.3. Because of finite δ, the corner charge changes smoothly from a quantized value 0.5. Note that there is a mismatch between the corner charge and 12πImlogÛ2, showing an unstable nature of the C4-symmetric insulator with respect to Û2. (b)The Wannier band νx(ky) of the ground state of Eq.(E5) with t=0.3 and δ=0.3 and at 1/2 filling. The Wannier band becomes gapless at ky=0,π.

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    Many-body order parameters for multipoles in solids (2024)


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