University of the District of Summer 2015 Final.pdf · SBPA Newsletter | Summer 2015.Biz A Message from the Office of the Dean, SBPA In my final message - [PDF Document] (2024)

University of the District of Summer 2015 Final.pdf· SBPA Newsletter | Summer 2015.Biz A Message from the Office of the Dean, SBPA In my final message - [PDF Document] (1)

SBPA Newsletter | Summer 2015

.Biz A Message from the Office of the Dean, SBPA In my final message to you as Acting Dean of the School of Business and Public Administration (SBPA), it is important for the readers of .BIZ to know how much I have enjoyed serving in this capaci-ty. Not only was I able to carry on the fine work that was started many years ago when SBPA began to educate the next generation of business leaders, but more importantly I was able to do this with the help of outstanding faculty, staff, students, and more recently an active Board of Advisors. I must also give accolades to the University’s administration that provided support throughout my tenure as Acting Dean.

When I initiated .BIZ in Spring 2013, I reminded you of the importance of SBPA telling its own story by writing its history rather than relying on others to do that. I later reminded you of the importance of continuing to run to the finish line as the University seeks reaccreditation by Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE); as SBPA maintains its ac-creditation by Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP); and as the Master of Public Administra-tion submits its report for initial accreditation by Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration (NASPAA). It truly does not get any better than that. Finally, I am pleased to welcome to the University of the District of Columbia and to the School of Business and Public Ad-ministration our new leader, Dr. Mohamad Sepehri.

I am truly honored and excited to join the dedicated group of faculty and staff at the School of Business and Public Administration at the University of the District of Columbia. These are exciting times at UDC, where the Vision 2020 Plan is already underway. The Plan calls for the University to be a pacesetter and to be innovative in its educational programs, both inside and outside of the classroom. As Dean of the SBPA, I am committed to pursuing AACSB and NASPAA accreditations. Such accreditations will enhance the quality and reputation of the SBPA and UDC by leading to greater national and international visibility, an increase in quality research and scholarship by faculty, and more opportunities for global outreach. In addition, these accreditations will entice new students to enroll in the programs at SBPA. They will also open the doors for new joint and collaborative programs with other international universities and programs. The role of the SBPA is to prepare students to be future business executives, as well as public policy and political leaders, who are aware of, and ready for, the challenges that arise in a modern global environment. In my role as the Dean, I plan for the SBPA to support students by offering creative and innovative curriculum programs, including opportunities both inside and outside of the classroom. I also plan to develop new programs that will cultivate relationships between the SBPA and the local business community, government institutions, and public organizations.

I will explore the joint degree programs with existing sister programs at UDC. The joint degree programs offer a fantastic opportunity for students to enhance their educational experience at UDC, and they can also open more doors for students upon graduation. In sum, SBPA’s programs will be focused on experiential learning, creative thinking, innovative analytics, and global awareness. I will be working with the SBPA’s dedicated faculty and staff to accomplish these ambitious goals. As such, SBPA will prepare students to: Envision, Lead, and Transform.

A Message from the Office of the Dean


CFO Internship Institute


Student Highlights 2

SBPA Week 5

Faculty Highlights 7

* Inside this issue *

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Student Highlights

On Friday, April 24, thirty-three graduate students from the MBA and MPA programs – along with several faculty members – attended a Networking Event/Graduate Student Mixer that was held in the SBPA Faculty /Staff Lounge. The purposes of the event were (a) to have students get to know each other; (b) congratulate the graduate students who had completed their program of study in May; and (c) to have students provide feedback on their experiences as a graduate student at UDC. Students were eager to share their experiences and make recommendations for SBPA to consider in the next academic year. Among their recommendations were: holding a graduate

general assembly type program for graduate students with relevant speakers; creating more internship opportunities; considering a change in class time for graduate offerings from 5:30 until 6:00 p.m.; creating more graduate and teaching assistant positions; conducting an orientation day for new and returning graduate students; continuing the Advanced Excel course for graduate students; and offering more professional networking opportunities with the business, government, and nonprofit communities and SBPA alumni. Overall, the Mixer was a great success, as students enjoyed a light meal and expressed their gratitude for the opportunity to get together with other SBPA graduate students.

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2015 CFO Internship Institute

This summer, 13 currently enrolled SBPA students and recent graduates are participating in the District of Columbia Chief Finance Officer’s Internship Institute made possible by George Dines, District of Columbia’s Associate Chief Financial Officer and member of the SBPA Board of Advisors. The mission of the Institute is to provide a foundation for employment opportunities to students enrolled at the University of the District of Columbia’s School of Business and Public Administration. The students participating in this paid 8-week internship experience are: Valerie Munroe (MBA ’15); Timothy Glymph (MPA ’15); Christopher Rothermel (MPA ’15); Luisa Burjaili (MBA ’16); Antoinette Terry (BBA ’15); Shauna-Kay Creary (BBA ’15); John Hammond; Henry Egbarin; Anabel Ngundia Oyana; Claudia Palacios; Andreas Smith; Idris Hussein; and Samuel Swartout. The Internship Institute takes place across 8 clusters in the District of Columbia Government – Chief Risk Officer; Department of Environment; Department of Transportation, Events DC; Government Operations; Integrity and Oversight; Real Property Tax Division; and UDC’s Education Cluster. In addition to their practical experience, the interns – with assistance from other SBPA Advisory Board Members – will be participating in workshops geared toward social media and other professional enhancement techniques necessary for success in today’s work environment. Two of the students have enrolled in SBPA’s Practicum Internship course and will receive academic credit as a business elective. The School of Business and Public Administration is pleased to partner with the DC CFO’s Office and looks forward to an ongoing relationship.

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Martin N. Ayaba (MPA Candidate) recently received a $2,500 scholarship from the National Forum for Black Public Admistrators (NFBPA).

Christopher Rothermel (MPA’15) recently passed the Microsoft Excel Exam and is now a certified

Microsoft Excel Specialist.

Angel Corona (BBA ’15) will begin working with JP Morgan in New York in August 2015. JP Morgan - an

American multinational financial services corporation headquartered in Midtown Manhattan - operates in 42 countries and has more than 1300 offices and 60,000 employees

On March 6-10, 2015, Anita M. Johnson (MPA ’15)¸ attended the American Society for Public Administration

(ASPA) Conference that was held in Chicago, IL. The theme of this year’s conference was “Building A Stronger More Equitable Society.” ASPA is the largest and most prominent professional association for public administration. At the conference, Ms. Johnson – as a Founders Fellow - had the opportunity to present original research; be paired with a mentor; and build strong relationships with established academic professionals and practitioners. Anita stated recently…..”I was thrilled with the opportunity to be in attendance and am thankful for the University’s continued support.” She further commented that “it was an honor to have the opportunity to be surrounded by so many change makers. In a society that often outcast individuals based on socio-economic status, it is comforting to know that there are committed public administrators who are ready and willing to advocate for the less fortunate.”

On May 7, SBPA held an Appreciation Luncheon for the interns who – for the past academic year - have

provided professional service to the faculty, staff, and students of SBPA. Each of these students graduated this past spring. The students who were recognized are: Tamon George; Angel Corona; Valerie Munroe; Christopher Rothermel; Lucita Diaz; Shauna-kay Creary; Mariah Moorer; Noluthandom Kossi. SBPA wishes them much success in the next steps of their professional and academic pursuits.

Andreas Smith (BBA ’16), a Business Management major, was recently awarded one of the Tom Joyner Foundation Hercules Scholarships in the amount of $1,500. This past May, the University of the District of

Columbia was designated by Tom Joyner as the HBCU of the Month, during which time several UDC students were named by the University to be selected for this prestigious award. Andreas and other Hercules awardees were introduced to the University community when Tom Joyner was on campus broadcasting his show at the end of May. The criteria for this award included the following: male; full time student; G.P.A. of 3.5 or higher; exhibit academic excellence; demonstrate leadership skills; and have performed community service. Upon graduation, Andreas seeks to establish a gourmet dessert business in the nation’s capital.

Save The Date

November 20 - 21, 2015 Annual Fudan Washington, DC Forum: Rediscovering China

Sponsored by Fudan University and Chinese American Institute

In Collaboration with the School of Business and Public Administration

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Update: SBPA’s Entrepreneurship Club

The first year of SBPA’s Entrepreneurship Club was very successful. Membership reached 50 students who represented majors throughout the University community. Under the leadership of President Anita Johnson, Vice President Angel Corona, and faculty co-advisors, Dr. Malva Reid and Dr. Wayne Curtis, the Club sponsored several thought leader workshops which were well attended. The final workshop of the year, Social and Economic Innovations in Entrepreneurship, was a roaring success, and was held on April 7, 2015, as part of SBPA Week.

The panel for the year-end workshop included Stevens Cadet, a technology entrepreneur and rising senior at the University of the District of Columbia; Dina Curtis, Chief of Staff to the President of the Calvert Foundation and Impact Investment Firm; Dr. Sabine O’Hara, Dean of the College of Agriculture, Urban Sustainability, and Environmental Sciences (CAUSES); and Dina Potter, a Human Resources Entrepreneur for small businesses. Each of the participants focused unpon the triple bottom line themes of the workshop - Profit, People, and Planet. Essentially each panelist explained how their activities were sustainable (Profit), supported fair and beneficial human resource policies (People), and adopted sustainable environmental practices (Planet). President Anita Johnson served as the moderator.

MPA Graduates Receive Nonprofit Certification

Four MPA graduates of the class of 2015 recently completed the Certified Nonprofit Professional (CNP) requirements of the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance. The students are Lucita Diaz, Timothy Glymph III, Anita Johnson, and Christopher Rothermel. Through their coursework, these students created virtual nonprofit organizations; studied governance and leadership; conducted the University’s first crowd funding project; created advocacy action plans; and conducted a study on public policy implementation. They also attended national nonprofit professional conferences that enabled them to engage in various networking initiatives; completed internships or capstone projects; and participated in the UDC NLA Student Association events. The Certified Nonprofit Professional (CNP) is a national credential established by the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance (NLA). NLA is an affiliation of universities and colleges and national nonprofit organizations whose mission is to strengthen the nonprofit sector with a talented and prepared workforce. The requirements for this credential include completing the 10 CNP Competencies through coursework and experience; participating in a 300-hour internship in a nonprofit organization or Capstone project; participating in the UDC NLA Student Association; and attending the Alliance Management Institute. Participants must also hold at least a bachelor’s degree. Acting Dean Yates recently received a notice of thanks from Susan Schmidt, President of the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance, in which she thanked SBPA for continuing to invest in the NLA Partnership. She further noted…. We are proud to list the University of the District of Columbia as one of our esteemed campus partners again this coming year.

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On April 7 – 10, 2015, the School of Business and Public Administration celebrated its 3rd Annual SBPA Week that culminated with the Annual Scholarship and Awards Program. The theme of this year’s event was Vision 2020: Innovation and Excellence to Success. Faculty, staff, students, alumni, administrators, SBPA Advisory Board members, and other University stakeholders attended many of the activities that were held throughout the week. Activities included an Opening Reception; Community College Student Day; Student Clubs and Organizations Showcase; Tour of SBPA Facilities; Delta Mu Delta Induction Ceremony. Several workshops were held on such topics as Financial Literacy; Transitioning from Graduate Student to Professional; Using Social Media to Promote Your Business; and Branding. Several students attended and participated in a Business Etiquette Dinner. On Friday, April 10, the 2015 Graduation Recognition & Scholarship Awards Program was held in the Windows’ Lounge. Alumni Statement was presented by Calvin Rice (BBA ’07); Senior Class Statement, Donna Marie Thompson (BBA ’15); Graduate Class Statement, Christopher Rothermel (MPA ’15).The keynote speaker was Selvon Malcolm Waldron (BBA and MBA ’10), Executive Director of Life Pieces to Master Pieces. Joining Dean Yates with the presentations of scholarships and awards were: Associate Dean Malva Reid; Assistant Dean Racquel Brown Gaston; and Department Chairpersons Dr. Hany Makhlouf and Dr. Tarsaim Goyal. The 2015 SBPA Committee was chaired by Dr. Malva Daniel Reid, Associate Dean, SBPA. Members of the committee were: Dr. Sylvia Benatti; Ms. Racquel Brown-Gaston, Esq.; Professor Darien Green; Professor Deborah Robinson-Foster; Ms. Sarah Hardeman; Ms. Cheryl Robinson; Dr. Nikolai Ostapenko; Professor Judy Williams-Smith; Mr. Aris Morrison; Ms. Feifie Sun; Ms. Kim Butler; and Ms. Monique Conquest.

Farewell to the Maryland/District of Columbia Campus Compact (MDCCC) AmeriCorps VISTA Member

Lucita (Lucy) Diaz

In spring 2014, Lucita Diaz came to the University of the District of Columbia from Los Angeles, CA as an MPA student. In June 2014, she joined the University as its MDCCC VISTA member where she has been the driving force for the development and implementation of UDC’s MDCCC AmeriCorps VISTA Financial Literacy Project. In this capacity, Lucita brought two years of prior experience and began to identify financial literacy education resources as well as build partnerships with Wells Fargo, College Summit, the Community College’s Freshman Seminar, Office of Student Affairs, and the Office of Financial Aid. The program has reached 226 UDC students as well as high school students with financial literacy activities.

In addition to earning her MPA degree in May, Lucita’s service as a VISTA Volunteer has come to an end. She has laid a great foundation for Financial Literacy at UDC. The University of the District of Columbia wishes her well in all of her future endeavors. On Wednesday, June 18, Dr. Rachel Petty, Interim Provost and Vic President for Academic Affairs, joined faculty, staff, and students for a farewell reception for Lucy. The reception was coordinated by Ms. Denise Slaughter and Dr. Sylvia Benatti.

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Faculty/Staff in the News

2015 – 2016 SBPA Scholarship Recipients

Mary S, Resh Scholarship Altrusa International Inc., of Washington DC

Jessica Butt

James Edward Miller Chapman Scholarship

John Hammond Cristayl Pursley

Odessa Starks Davis Scholarship

Har’oun Dumbuya

Pepco Scholarships

Biruk Assefa Henry Egbarin Dawazza Kelly Stacey Lockerman Minowa Melvin Shaqyeya Powell

Presidents’ RoundTable Scholarship

Nancy Umanzor-Perla

School of Business and Public Administration Dean’s Award

Andreas Smith

School of Business and Public Administration Scholarships

Anar Alizada Bobi Bates Shanita Boykins Elaf Hamid Idris Hamid Nikki Peterson Tsholofelo Motshwane

On June 4-6, Acting Dean Sandra Yates and Associate Dean Malva Reid attended the HBCU Business Deans’ Roundtable Summit that was held in New Orleans, LA. The theme of this year’s Summit was The Role of Ener-gy & Human Capital in Economic Development from a Global Perspective. Events included a trip to Southern University at New Orleans (SUNO) where they were greeted by Dr. Victor Ukpolo, Chancellor, Southern Uni-versity, New Orleans, of SUNO, and Dr. Igwe Udeh, Dean of the School of Business at SUNO. Presenta-tions included accreditation updates by representatives from AACSB International and ACBSP. Next year’s summit will be held in St. Louis, MO.

Dr. Sergey Ivanov, Associate Professor of Business

Management, was recently notified that an article that was co-authored with Valerie Munroe (MBA ’15) has received a favorable peer review and has been accept-ed for publishing in the International Journal of Organi-zational Innovation. The title of the article is Eliminating Bribery from Government Systems: a Study of a Taxa-tion Agency. Dr. Ivanov’s new working paper has been accepted for a presentation at the 2015 Global Business Research

Symposium to be held on August 21-22, 2015, at the University of Riverside, California. He has also been invited to give a keynote speech at the 2015 Interna-tional Conference "Actual Economy: Local Solutions for Global Challenges" on July 2-3, 2015. This event is organized by the Suan Sunandha Rajabhat Univer-sity, in Bangkok, Thailand. The W. Edwards Deming Institute awarded scholar-ship monies in the amount of $10,500 to Dr. Sergey Ivanov and several business students to attend the 21st International Deming Research Conference held on March 23-24. The Conference encourages research, scholarship, and practice.

Dr. Tesfaye Lemma, Associate Professor of Ac-

counting, has had several articles recently published. They are: Lemma, T.T (2015), “Corruption, Debt Financing and Corporate Ownership,” Journal of Economic Studies, Vol. 42, No. 3 (In Press); Sekome, B. N. and Lemma, T. G. (2014), “ Determinants of Voluntary For-mation of Risk Management Committees: Evidence from an Emerging Economy, Managerial Auditing Journal, Vol 29, No. 7, pp. 649-671.

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Seid Hassan, Minga Negash, Tesfaye T. Lemma and Abu Girma Moges (2014), Is Ethiopia's Sovereign Debt Sustainable? Pambazuka News: A Pan-African Voice for Freedom and Justice. An article co-authored by Dr. Richard Bebee, Profes-sor of Accounting, was published in the CPA Journal, April 2015 issue. The title of the article is “Calculating Basis for IRC Section 1031 Like-Kind Exchanges - An Illustrative Approach Using Journal Entries”. Dr. Ken Smith (Salisbury University) is the co-author.

Farewell to SBPA Faculty

Effective May 15, 2015, four SBPA faculty members will be leaving the University as full-time employees. Their years of service to the University of the District of Columbia range from 10 to 44 years.

Our colleagues – Professor Judy Ramey; Dr. Eboh Ezeani; Dr. Mohamed Samhan; Dr. Sharron Terrell - are to be commended for the fine service provided to the University of the District of Columbia in general and the School of Business and Public Administration specifically.

Dr. Tesfaye Lemma, Associate Professor of Ac-counting, has tendered his resignation from the Uni-versity, effective August 15, 2015. SBPA appreciates the short tenure of Dr. Lemma as a member of the faculty.

Dr. Meena Srinivasan, Associate Professor of Management Information Systems, has been reas-signed to the Community College, effective August 16, 2015.

Summer Accounting Tutoring Hours

June 29 – August 7 Building 38/Room 107


11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.


Dr. Yolandra Plummer, Associate Professor and Director,

Institute for Human Service Delivery

The PATHS program has initiated a collaboration with UDC’s Department of Psychology and Counseling. The program will conduct a mental health screening pilot aimed to serve 200 individuals enrolled in the PATHS program. A vocational assessment will be conducted to assess an individual’s actual skill level. It will provide an as-sessment of the whole person in and outside of his/her home. The assessment will also look at all of the ac-commodations that an individual requires. This will provide assistance to those individuals who may be more suited for nontraditional work programs and/or settings. The purpose of the program is to address systemic is-sues that prevent successful employment outcomes for persons with disabilities and for persons considered as “hard to employ.” This collaborative initiative ensures the provision of specialized personal and work support services that will address the vocational, mental health, physical health, substance abuse and family challeng-es faced by TANF recipients with disabilities and per-sons considered “hard to employ.” The Department of Counseling and Psychology has two lead clinicians and graduate social work students who are qualified to conduct mental health screenings. The graduate students and PATHS Case Managers will collaborate on recommendations for employment, work place supports and other resources. Two nurses from the Department of Nursing will con-duct medical reviews of each applicant as well. The nurses will familiarize the PATHS staff with identifying and documenting health barriers. The program will con-tinue through September 30, 2015. Congratulations to Aissa Zagre, PATHS staff member, who was recently married. She is an SBPA graduate and has served as a Case Manager for the past two years. For further information, contact : Dr. Plummer - 202-274-7044

University of the District of Summer 2015 Final.pdf· SBPA Newsletter | Summer 2015.Biz A Message from the Office of the Dean, SBPA In my final message - [PDF Document] (8)

This newsletter is published to share information about the faculty, staff, students, and alumni of the School of Business and Public Administration. Please submit items for inclusion to any member of the editorial staff. School of Business and Public Administration University of the District of Columbia 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW Building 38, Room 314 Washington DC 20008 Editors: Dr. Sandra G. Yates, Mr. Antoine D. Jameson


The University of the District of Columbia commenced its official 2014 tax preparation season on January 30, 2015, Earned Income Tax Credit Aware-ness Day. Our guest visitor was IRS Commissioner John Koskinen who joined UDC President James Lyons and SBPA Acting Dean Sandra Yates in bringing remarks to our many guests who were present. Commissioner Koskinen of-fered words of gratitude and praise for the SBPA’s VITA Tax Clinic that has been instrumental in helping a segment of the community in meeting its re-sponsibility to the Internal Revenue Service. The Clinic operates under the su-pervision of Professors Debra Robinson-Foster and Errol Salmon who work

with a team of SBPA students in preparing taxes for DC residents. As of April 30, seven hundred and four (704) federal and state returns were electronically filed, and an additional fifty one (51) paper returns were submitted by mail. The program has broadened its scope this season and is now undertaking the filing of returns for the previous year of 2013. This was initiated because of the many people who indicated that their previ-ous year’s tax returns were not filed for various reasons. This resulted in the service being unofficially offered until May 30, 2015.

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PROGRAM OFFERINGS AT THE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION | [emailprotected] | Phone: 202.274.7000 | Fax: 202.274.7105

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Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Master of Public Administration (MPA)

Bachelor of Business Administration - Accounting

Bachelor of Business Administration - Business Management

Concentration in Finance

Concentration in Marketing

Concentration in Management Information Systems



Procurement and Public Contracting

Nonprofit Leadership

University of the District of Summer 2015 Final.pdf · SBPA Newsletter | Summer 2015.Biz A Message from the Office of the Dean, SBPA In my final message - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Name: Tyson Zemlak

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.