Guide To BIRCH Clustering Algorithm(With Python Codes) (2024)

  • Last updated March 18, 2024
  • In AI Mysteries, Developers Corner

BIRCH clustering algorithm is provided as an alternative to MinibatchKMeans. It converts data to a tree data structure with the centroids being read off the leaf. And these centroids can be the final cluster centroid or the input for other cluster algorithms like AgglomerativeClustering.


Guide To BIRCH Clustering Algorithm(With Python Codes) (1)

  • Published on
  • byYugesh Verma
Guide To BIRCH Clustering Algorithm(With Python Codes) (2)
Guide To BIRCH Clustering Algorithm(With Python Codes) (3)

Clustering is the process of dividing huge data into smaller parts. It is an unsupervised learning problem. Mostly we perform clustering when the analysis is required to extract the information of an interesting pattern or the field, for example, extracting similar user behaviour in a customer database.

Many clustering algorithms are available to use, and all of them have their characteristics and use cases. We can not have all the similar time kinds of datasets. Some algorithms are made to use when the dataset is low in quantity, and some of them can be used when the dataset is in high quantity. Clustering algorithms are made to find the natural feature groups in the feature space of input data.

Examples of clustering algorithms are:

  • Agglomerative clustering
  • K- means
  • Spectral clustering

In this article, we are going to discuss the BIRCH clustering algorithm. The article assumes that the reader has the basic knowledge of clustering algorithms and their terminology.

BIRCH(Balanced Iterative Reducing and Clustering hierarchies)

Basic clustering algorithms like K means, agglomerative clustering are some of the most commonly used clustering algorithms. But when performing clustering on very large datasets, BIRCH and DBSCAN are the advanced clustering algorithms useful for performing precise clustering on large datasets. Moreover, BIRCH is very useful because of its easy implementation.

Before going on with the implementation, we will discuss the algorithms and features of the BIRCH.

Without going into the mathematics of BIRCH, more formally, BIRCH is a clustering algorithm that clusters the dataset first in small summaries, then after small summaries get clustered. It does not directly cluster the dataset. This is why BIRCH is often used with other clustering algorithms; after making the summary, the summary can also be clustered by other clustering algorithms.

It is provided as an alternative to MinibatchKMeans. It converts data to a tree data structure with the centroids being read off the leaf. And these centroids can be the final cluster centroid or the input for other cluster algorithms like AgglomerativeClustering.

BIRCH is a scalable clustering method based on hierarchy clustering and only requires a one-time scan of the dataset, making it fast for working with large datasets. This algorithm is based on the CF (clustering features) tree. In addition, this algorithm uses a tree-structured summary to create clusters. The tree structure of the given data is built by the BIRCH algorithm called the Clustering feature tree(CF tree).

In context to the CF tree, the algorithm compresses the data into the sets of CF nodes. Those nodes that have several sub-clusters can be called CF subclusters. These CF subclusters are situated in no-terminal CF nodes.

The CF tree is a height-balanced tree that gathers and manages clustering features and holds necessary information of given data for further hierarchical clustering. This prevents the need to work with whole data given as input. The tree cluster of data points as CF is represented by three numbers (N, LS, SS).

  • N = Number of items in subclusters
  • LS = vector sum of the data points
  • SS = Sum of the squared data points

In the image below, we can easily understand the numbers.

Guide To BIRCH Clustering Algorithm(With Python Codes) (4)

Here we can see in the example how a CF generates there. In the image, five samples are available (3,4), (2, 6), (4, 5), (4, 7), (3, 8),.

So by the image N = 5, LS = (16,30) and SS = (54, 190).

The below image can represent the CF tree structure.

Guide To BIRCH Clustering Algorithm(With Python Codes) (5)

In the image, we can see that the root node has a non-leaf node where every non-leaf node is having B entries and the leaf node has L cluster feature(CF), so if every CF in the leaf node has L entries, it will satisfy the threshold value T is a maximum diameter of radius. So here, we can see that each leaf node is a sub-cluster, more formally saying it is a summary, not a data point.

Let’s see the basics of algorithms.

There are mainly four phases which are followed by the algorithm of BIRCH.

  • Scanning data into memory.
  • Condense data(resize data).
  • Global clustering.
  • Refining clusters.

In these four phases, two of them (resize data and refining clusters) are optional. They come in the process when more clarity is required. But scanning data is just like loading data into a model. After loading the data, the algorithm scans the whole data and fits them into the CF trees. In condensing, it resets and resizes the data for better fitting into the CF tree. In global clustering, it sends CF trees for clustering using existing clustering algorithms. Finally, refining fixes the problem of CF trees where the same valued points are assigned to different leaf nodes.

Scikit Learn provides the module for direct implementation of BIRCH under the cluster class packages. We need to provide values to the parameters according to the requirement.

There are three parameters in the BIRCH algorithm.

  • Threshold – The maximum number of data samples to be considered in a subcluster of the leaf node in a CF tree.
  • Branching_factor – It is the factor that is used to specify the number of CF sub-clusters that can be made in a node.
  • N_clusters – number of clusters.

Implementation of the BIRCH using python

Importing the required libraries


import matplotlib.pyplot as pltfrom sklearn.datasets.samples_generator import make_blobsfrom sklearn.cluster import Birch

Generating a dataset using make blobs.


data, clusters = make_blobs(n_samples = 1000, centers = 12, cluster_std = 0.50, random_state = 0)data.shape


Guide To BIRCH Clustering Algorithm(With Python Codes) (6)

Creating a BIRCH model


model = Birch(branching_factor = 50, n_clusters = None, threshold = 1.5)

Fitting the dataset in the model.



Guide To BIRCH Clustering Algorithm(With Python Codes) (7)

Creating the prediction of the dataset using the generated model.


pred = model.predict(data)

Making the scatterplot for checking the results.


plt.scatter(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], c = pred)


Guide To BIRCH Clustering Algorithm(With Python Codes) (8)

Here in the output, we can see that we have created 12 clusters of randomly generated samples using make blob, and we can see the algorithm is working finely. The main feature of using the BIRCH is its CF-tree feature. There can be many problems related to huge data.

  • Pixel classification in images.
  • Image blending.
  • Audio data classification.

It is a good algorithm with the advantages of a single scan, and also, the CF-tree feature increases the quality of clusters, but one thing where it lags is it uses only numeric or vector data.


Yugesh Verma

Yugesh is a graduate in automobile engineering and worked as a data analyst intern. He completed several Data Science projects. He has a strong interest in Deep Learning and writing blogs on data science and machine learning.

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Guide To BIRCH Clustering Algorithm(With Python Codes) (2024)


What is the BIRCH clustering algorithm in Python? ›

BIRCH attempts to minimize the memory requirements of large datasets by summarizing the information contained in dense regions as Clustering Feature (CF) entries. As we're about to see, it's possible to have CFs composed of other CFs. In this case, the subcluster is equal to the sum of the CFs.

How do you create a clustering algorithm in Python? ›

An introduction to popular clustering algorithms in Python
  1. Randomly pick k centroids from the examples as initial cluster centers.
  2. Assign each example to the nearest centroid 𝜇(i),j ∊ [1,…,k]
  3. Move the centroids to the center of the examples that were assigned to it.
Sep 25, 2023

What are the parameters of BIRCH algorithm? ›

BIRCH requires three parameters: the branching factor Br, the threshold T, and the cluster count k. While the data points are entered into BIRCH, a height-balanced tree, the cluster features tree, or CF tree, of hierarchical clusters is built.

What is the threshold in a CF tree? ›

A CF tree is a tree where each leaf node contains a sub-cluster. Every entry in a CF tree contains a pointer to a child node and a CF entry made up of the sum of CF entries in the child nodes. There is a maximum number of entries in each leaf node. This maximum number is called the threshold.

What is the best clustering model in Python? ›

K-Means. K-Means is the 'go-to' clustering algorithm for many simply because it is fast, easy to understand, and available everywhere (there's an implementation in almost any statistical or machine learning tool you care to use). K-Means has a few problems however.

What is the difference between BIRCH and Kmeans? ›

K-Means is a technique of partitioning-based clustering, whereas BIRCH clustering is a technique of hierarchical method of clustering.

What is the easiest clustering algorithm? ›

Centroid-based Clustering (Partitioning methods)

Partitioning methods are the most easiest clustering algorithms. They group data points on the basis of their closeness. Generally, the similarity measure chosen for these algorithms are Euclidian distance, Manhattan Distance or Minkowski Distance.

How do I run a Python code on a cluster? ›

In your code project, open the Python file that you want to run on the cluster. Do one of the following: In Explorer view (View > Explorer), right-click the file, and then select Run on Databricks > Upload and Run File from the context menu.

What is an example of a clustering algorithm? ›

Clustering algorithms [51] are used to establish pattern similarities so that data that exhibit similar characteristics can be classified into their corresponding target groups. Popular examples of clustering algorithms include hierarchical, expectation maximization, k-medians and k-means clustering approaches.

What are the disadvantages of BIRCH algorithm? ›

However, BIRCH has one major drawback – it can only process metric attributes. A metric attribute is any attribute whose values can be represented in Euclidean space i.e., no categorical attributes should be present.

What is the formula for BIRCH algorithm? ›

In standard BIRCH, the CF formula used is CF = (N, LS, and SS). This study will use changes to the CF-Leaf value. The CF-leaf modif formula to be used is CF-Leaf (modif) = (N, LS, SS, T).

What are the four phases of the birch clustering process? ›

There are mainly four phases which are followed by the algorithm of BIRCH. Scanning data into memory. Condense data (resize data). Global clustering.

Is BIRCH agglomerative or divisive? ›

'BIRCH' constructs an in-memory CF-tree (a tree data structure). The second stage, global clustering, employs agglomerative hierarchical clustering with linkage criteria to cluster small-diameter dense sub-clusters represented by CF vectors in the leaf nodes of the CF tree.

What is the complexity of BIRCH clustering? ›

“How effective is BIRCH?” The time complexity of the algorithm is O(n), where n is the number of objects to be clustered. Experiments have shown the linear scalability of the algorithm with respect to the number of objects, and good quality of clustering of the data.

What are the advantages of birch algorithm? ›

... An important advantage of the BIRCH algorithm is that it only requires a single scan of the database. Compared to the popular K-means algorithm, BIRCH performs exceptionally well in terms of less memory consumption, faster performance, less order-sensitivity, and high accuracy [49] .

What is the BIRCH clustering algorithm? ›

BIRCH (balanced iterative reducing and clustering using hierarchies) is an unsupervised data mining algorithm used to perform hierarchical clustering over particularly large data-sets.

What is the BIRCH algorithm in Dbscan? ›

Its inventors claim BIRCH to be the "first clustering algorithm proposed in the database area to handle 'noise' (data points that are not part of the underlying pattern) effectively", beating DBSCAN by two months. The BIRCH algorithm received the SIGMOD 10 year test of time award in 2006.

What are the advantages of BIRCH algorithm? ›

BIRCH allows for hierarchical clustering on large datasets, and does not require knowledge of the exact number of clusters, unlike k-means and spectral clustering, and handles data noise better than DBSCAN and OPTICS algorithms [12] . ...

Why is BIRCH clustering appropriate for streaming data? ›

BIRCH is especially appropriate for very large data sets, or for streaming data, because of its ability to find a good clustering solution with only a single scan of the data. Optionally, the algorithm can make further scans through the data to improve the clustering quality.


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