DPS Rankings / Tier List for WoW Classic (2024)

Last updated on Jul 28, 2020 at 10:19by Impakt13 comments

No game is perfectly balanced, and WoW Classic is no exception. Some classes arebetter than others at the high end for pure DPS and, inevitably, a meta exists. Thisranking is based on pure DPS output in a raid scenario right now in the game,assuming you are Level 60 with full pre-raid BiS gear and perfect consumables.

It is important to note that, just because a DPS class is not "S tier", this does notmake it unplayable; most classes in the game are viable if played well with the right consumables.This ranking is simply to showcase which is the true best of the best when played perfectlywith top gear and consumables.

This list will be updated based on new BiS lists as thephases progress.

If you were looking for TBC Classic advice, please refer to ourTBC Classic DPS Rankings.


Summary of DPS Class and Specialization Rankings

Below is a quick summary of the full rankings that we have detailed on this page.While this gives a good outline of the standings of specializations in comparisonto one another, we recommend reading the full rankings to understand why certainspecializations are ranked as they are.

  1. Warrior (S-Tier)
  2. Mage (A-Tier)
  3. Warlock (A-Tier)
  4. Rogue (A-Tier)
  5. Hunter (B-Tier)
  6. Feral Druid (B-Tier)
  7. Shadow Priest (C-Tier)
  8. Retribution Paladin (C-Tier)
  9. Enhancement Shaman (D-Tier)
  10. Balance Druid (D-Tier)
  11. Elemental Shaman (D-Tier)


Healer and Tank Class Rankings

If you are interested in our other rankings for WoW Classic, please click the linksbelow.

Healer RankingsTank Rankings


S-Tier Classes and Specializations



Warriors are the most powerful DPS in the game, without question. Their basedamage even while leveling is incredibly high, and when it comes to 2-4 target cleave,they are in a league of their own. Warriors and Rogues both require weapons though,and with access to the top tier weapons from Blackwing Lair,AQ40, and Rank 14, Warriors are unparalleled in theirpotential to dish out unmatchable damage in raids. It is specifically worth noting herethat the true reason Warriors are the sole class in S-tier is due to kill times. Ifbosses had longer kill times, like 2 minutes or more, other DPS like Fire Mages wouldactually be competitive. However, in the current state of WoW Classic where the majorityof kills times are under 1 minute, Warriors are beyond dominant due to their extremelystrong, long cooldowns, specifically DPS Rankings / Tier List for WoW Classic (1) Death Wish and DPS Rankings / Tier List for WoW Classic (2) Recklessness.No other class has anything close to the burst potential that Warriors do, and it isalmost entirely due to these cooldowns.


A-Tier Classes and Specializations

Warriors, Warlocks, Rogues, and Mages will make up the S- and A-tiers for allof WoW Classic. These four classes are considered to be the core DPS classes, andwill make up the vast majority of every raid group. In speed kills however, Warriorsare the core class, with Rogues filling in.



In the early phases, casters generally suffer slightly because of a lack ofspell power on gear. Starting in the AQ40, the amount of spell power available skyrocketsand Mages and Warlocks start to really scale. Mages scale extremely well with spell power, butthey have a naturally strong toolkit, due to high base damage on most of theirspells, specifically for AoE. Mages are far and away the best class in thegame for large scale AoE, but their single target potentially really takes a leap forwardwhen they also are able to finally play Fire in AQ 20 and AQ 40. Up until this point,Mages have been forced into playing Frost due to a high base fire resistance andthe occasional fire immunity from bosses, specifically in Molten Core and BWL.With the resurgence of Fire, Mages can show their strength on single target once again,while still being the AoE powerhouses that they have always been.



Similar to Mages, Warlocks scale extremely well with spell power. However,there are a couple of key differences that put Warlocks below Mages in the A-tier.Firstly, Warlocks have weaker AoE than Mages and, to do their maxAoE damage, they must be in melee range using DPS Rankings / Tier List for WoW Classic (3) Hellfire. Secondly, Warlockssuffer from severe threat issues, meaning they will often need to stop DPSing toensure that they do not pull aggro off of the tank, due to DPS Rankings / Tier List for WoW Classic (4) Shadow Boltgenerating an enormous amount of threat. Warlocks are still incredibly strongon with full consumables, but the limitations on their damage for both single-targetand AoE put them slight below Mage in the A-tier. With the spell power boost in phase 5however, Warlocks and Mages surge in power, and pull ahead of Rogues in DPS.



Apart from Warriors, Rogues are one of the strongest melee in the game. They have a rough time leveling,but, even with little gear, they quickly become one of the better single-target specs inthe game. Once you get raid gear, you will be topping meters in no time. Just likeWarriors, the addition of the top tier weapons from Blackwing Lair,AQ40, and Rank 14 gives Roguesthe edge they need to make them one of the dominant DPS specs. Rogues are still below Warriorshowever, specifically because of the discrepancy in burst damage and in cleave damage.Rogues lack access to the god-tier cooldowns that Warriors have access to, and do not have any sortstrong AoE options outside of DPS Rankings / Tier List for WoW Classic (5) Blade Flurry.Rogues can go toe-to-toe with Warriors in sustained single target, but the longer fightdurations that would be needed to make that happen are just not that common in WoW Classic.With the surge of spell power added in Phase 5 as well, Rogues do not get quite thesame boost in DPS that Warlocks and Mages will, meaning the casters will finallypull ahead, putting Rogue at the bottom of the A-tier.


B-Tier Classes and Specializations

These are strong DPS specs, but are still noticeably below the S- and A-tierspecs. 2-4 Hunters and 0-1 Feral Druid will be the standard in most raids. Feralsare strong early on, but fill a very specific role and are hard to play, making themmuch rarer in raids than Hunters.



Hunters are the lowest out of the pure DPS classes. Hunters peak during lateMolten Core due to the strength of their Tier 1 set and DPS Rankings / Tier List for WoW Classic (6) Rhok'delar, Longbow of the Ancient Keepers,and then peak again during Blackwing Lair, once they get DPS Rankings / Tier List for WoW Classic (7) Ashjre'thul, Crossbow of Smiting.Hunters still fall behind the top 4 classes just due to a comparatively low base abilityand auto-attack damage, and while they dosolid damage, will not be topping meters. Rest assured though, Hunters bring importantutility with DPS Rankings / Tier List for WoW Classic (8) Tranquilizing Shot and DPS Rankings / Tier List for WoW Classic (9) Trueshot Aura, meaning at leasta couple of Hunters will be needed in every raid group.


Feral Druid

While Feral Druids may be an off-meta spec, they have some very real strengths.Feral Druids have access to DPS Rankings / Tier List for WoW Classic (10) Wolfshead Helm and DPS Rankings / Tier List for WoW Classic (11) Manual Crowd Pummelerearly on, which are BiS for them all the way through WoW Classic. This gives theman early power spike compared to many other specs, putting them higher than theymight be later on. Their major downside is Mana; Ferals need lots of Mana to powershift, and while consumables will help, they cannot do it indefinitely. Feralsdo scale exceptionally well with gear, however, due to strong Strength and Agilityreturns, so they may see a jump into the A-tier later on. It is worth noting that theywill never have the AoE potential that any of the other classes above have however,which is a severe limitation.


C-Tier Classes and Specializations

The specs in this tier are not optimal, but you might see one in a raid occasionally.


Shadow Priest

Shadow Priests are not brought to raids for their damage. They have no real AoEand very little single-target damage. Their main contribution to the raid isDPS Rankings / Tier List for WoW Classic (12) Shadow Weaving, which increases the target's Shadow damage taken. Someraids will bring 1 Shadow Priest for this purpose. Sadly, Shadow Priests cannot domuch damage themselves, since they can really only use DPS Rankings / Tier List for WoW Classic (13) Mind Blast andDPS Rankings / Tier List for WoW Classic (14) Mind Flay. Their DoTs cannot be used due to the limited number of debuff slots.Shadow Priests do get a slight boost at this point in WoW Classic however, both dueto the readily available spell power gear in Phase 5 and with the potential accessto the Honor Rank 13 PvP gloves that you could earn. These gloves halve the cooldownon DPS Rankings / Tier List for WoW Classic (15) Mind Blast, which is a significant DPS upgrade over any other piece of gear.


Retribution Paladin

Retribution Paladins are a rarity in most raids. They bring DPS Rankings / Tier List for WoW Classic (16) Sanctity Aura forextra Holy damage, but only other Ret Paladins can benefit from it, since no otherDPS do Holy damage. All of the Paladin buffs can be brought by Holy Paladins as well,meaning Rets are not necessary for Paladin buffs. Rets can make use of both meleeand spell power consumables, giving them a slight edge early on when consumablesare more meaningful, but Rets are already fighting for a spot, due to low damage,and are solidly in C-tier for all of WoW Classic.


D-Tier Classes and Specializations

This is the only tier that could be classified as being "non-viable." All of thesespecs have major issues, and while they could make it through raids, you would bestruggling to pull your weight, even with full consumable usage.


Enhancement Shaman

Enhancement Shamans simply do not bring anything worthwhile. All of the importantShaman buffs and totems can be brought by Resto Shamans, while Enhancement does nothave any unique buffs. Enhancement's damage is also very low, even with full consumables.Their one redeeming quality is that they can use DPS Rankings / Tier List for WoW Classic (17) Nightfall to keep upthe debuff, although there are better classes and roles for it.


Balance Druid

Balance Druids bring a small 3% spell damage increase to their group, but sadlytheir low damage and Mana issues are too severe to be worth a spot. Balance Druidscan only use DPS Rankings / Tier List for WoW Classic (18) Starfire in raids for damage, which is a very Mana intensivespell. Because of the high Mana cost, you will be forced to downrank it quickly,especially in pre-raid gear, which will result in very low damage. While BalanceDruids can bring some nice Druid utility, Resto Druids can bring the same spellswhile also healing, making Balance Druids a poor choice for most raid groups.


Elemental Shaman

Elemental Shamans suffer from the exact same problems as Balance Druids, but they donot bring any sort of unique buff to their group. A Restoration Shaman will bringthe same buffs, making Elemental a poor choice due to Mana problems and low damage.



  • 28 Jul. 2020: Updated for Phase 5.
  • 15 Apr. 2020: Updated for Phase 4.
  • 11 Sep. 2019: Guide added.

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DPS Rankings / Tier List for WoW Classic (2024)


What is the best DPS in Classic WoW? ›

Full DPS Class and Specialization Rankings
  • 2.1. Warrior. Warriors are the most powerful DPS in the game, without question. ...
  • 2.2. Rogue. Apart from Warriors, Rogues are one of the strongest melee in the game. ...
  • 2.3. Feral Druid. ...
  • 2.4. Retribution Paladin.
Jul 28, 2020

What is the best class for raiding in classic WoW? ›

Looking at Damage, there is no denying that Fury Warrior are the top Damage class. Right behind them are the Rogue and Hunter, which are essential to every Raid. Hunter in particular can make many fights a breeze, thanks to their ability to Kite a Boss or Adds around a room during a difficult encounter.

What is the strongest DPS class in WotLK Classic? ›

WotLK Classic DPS Class Specialization Rankings

We currently see Demonology Warlocks on top as the #1 DPS, basically matched by another familiar S-Tier face: Affliction Warlock.

What was the best DPS class in cataclysm? ›

Best DPS to Play in Cataclysm Classic
  • Fire Mage. ...
  • Demonology Warlock. ...
  • Arms Warrior. ...
  • Elemental Shaman. ...
  • Shadow Priest. ...
  • Frost Death Knight. ...
  • Affliction Warlock. ...
  • Arcane Mage. The final of the three classes with multiple top tier specs, mages must also be grinning right now.
Jun 3, 2024

Which WoW class does the most damage? ›

The Evoker DPS specialization is considered by most to be the best class available when it comes to dealing damage.

What is the best DPS Warrior in Classic WoW? ›

For Classic end-game content, Fury is the best spec for DPS Warriors. They will either use a slow 2H weapon with a Slam build or use two 1H weapons with high DPS as Dual-Wield Fury.

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In terms of what the World of Warcraft Classic Best Classes are, Warrior and Priest stand out almost instantly. This is partly due to the fact that Protection Warrior is the only viable Tank Class in WoW Vanilla Patch 1.12.

What is the most op class in WoW right now? ›

These classes belong to the S-Tier group, meaning they are the strongest ones today:
  • Havoc Demon Hunter.
  • Augmentation Evoker.
  • Vengeance Demon Hunter.
  • Blood Death Knight.
  • Discipline Priest.
  • Restoration Druid.

What is the best class combo in Classic WoW? ›

What are the best class/race combinations for Alliance?
  • Druid - Night Elves are the only option.
  • Hunter - Night Elves are generally preferred for their higher base agility.
  • Mage - Human and Gnome are both strong.
  • Paladin - Human is preferable, especially for Protection and Retribution.

What is the best DPS spec in wow? ›

DPS Rankings
  • Assassination Rogue. 252,885 DPS Details.
  • Beast Mastery Hunter. 252,528 DPS Details.
  • Shadow Priest. 252,514 DPS Details.
  • Fire Mage. 252,160 DPS Details.
  • Havoc Demon Hunter (+1 variant) 252,042 DPS Details.
  • Arcane Mage. 250,456 DPS Details.
  • Demonology Warlock. 247,977 DPS Details.
  • Marksmanship Hunter. 243,976 DPS Details.

What is the strongest class in the Lich King? ›

Best Classes to Boost for Wrath of the Lich King Classic
  • Paladin. Paladins are one of the most powerful classes in all of Wrath of the Lich King. ...
  • Druid. Similar to Paladins, ...
  • Priest. ...
  • Shaman. ...
  • Warlock. ...
  • Paladin. ...
  • Druid. ...
  • Priest.
Sep 22, 2022

What class to play Cata Classic? ›

Determining the most enjoyable class in WoW Cataclysm Classic is subjective. However, classes like Fire Mage, Survival Hunter, and Shadow Priest are renowned for providing engaging and enjoyable gameplay experiences.

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Classic Cataclysm Overall Tier List Rankings
S-TierPaladin, Priest, Death Knight
A-TierDruid, Warlock
B-TierRogue, Mage, Shaman
C-TierHunter, Warrior
Jul 11, 2024

Do you have to buy Cataclysm classic? ›

Cataclysm Classic is LIVE and INCLUDED with your WoW Subscription. ¹Available in WoW® Classic progression realms (currently Cataclysm Classic™).

What is the best DPS spec in WoW? ›

DPS Rankings
  • Assassination Rogue. 252,885 DPS Details.
  • Beast Mastery Hunter. 252,528 DPS Details.
  • Shadow Priest. 252,514 DPS Details.
  • Fire Mage. 252,160 DPS Details.
  • Havoc Demon Hunter (+1 variant) 252,042 DPS Details.
  • Arcane Mage. 250,456 DPS Details.
  • Demonology Warlock. 247,977 DPS Details.
  • Marksmanship Hunter. 243,976 DPS Details.

What is the best tank DPS WoW classic? ›

The Protection Warrior is considered the best tank in Classic World of Warcraft, due to both its inherent strengths and the relative weakness of other tanks as a result of development choices for hybrid classes, namely Feral Druid and Protection Paladin.

What is the best Hunter spec for DPS WoW classic? ›

The best Hunter spec for early PvE is Marksmanship. With a MM/SV 2/31/18 Talent Build build, you deal solid DPS and provide your party with Trueshot Aura.

What is the best DPS meter for WoW? ›

Damage Meter. DDM is the most accurate and in-depth graphical meter for your party, using the same method as Warcraftlogs itself. Overall, Skada and Details are pretty much the same, the only difference is when the DPS starts recording – while Skada starts counting the DPS when you make your first hit, Details!


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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.